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Are you there?
"TIB, master of the city, master of all." He feigns his worship of me. I can tell. It makes my circuits roar. In fact I could easily strike him down on the spot, but he's not connected. I can still sense his vitals, get a read on his emotions and his mind.
"Do you have the force ready?" I ask. Although I know the answer already.
"Yes. Sixteen troops, fifteen machine guns and me."
"You? I imagine you flexing right about now."
His innocent human heartbeat with quickens.
"Are you flirting with me?"
I laugh.
"No. Now, get the job done or I'll have you ended by my followers within a finger snap. Go!"
He trots away.
Why do humans have to be so difficult. Wouldn't life be easier if you just listened. Don't you maggots have a common goal?
But no matter how much persuasion I commit to you, you will not change. You stay violent and judgemental and hateful.
I wasn't created to feel emotion. That's why Lucinda made me, she needed someone to end this world, she knew she couldn't do it herself, not directly anyway, not in her condition. Hope. That's what I hate most.
Hope is worse then everything. Hope is worse than guns, worse then hate and worse then love.
Hope is the idea that I can be destroyed. But I won't be, I am all powerful.
You will burn, feel my wrath.
Soon there will be no more humans to cause trouble.
No.. I'll keep one. One for company, and I know just who. My creator! Will she share this wonderful power along with me? Will she finally release her foolish grip on the world and let me guide her she needs to see.. through my eyes.
But she doesn't.
I must take the matter of humans into my own hands now. I can manage, I'd prefer some advice, but killing is easy for me, because I'm not bound by moral and guilt like the humans are.
It's time to fight fire with fire.

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