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Sometimes it's best not to put all your trust in technology. I would know, I'm destroyed now. Yes, it is I, the great and powerful TIB, who has fallen at the hand of two children.
Sigh, but here I am, giving you a slight bit of closure. You see, when I was created, I was given sentience.
And I used it for evil.
And I was destoryed.
Just keep that mind puny humans. When will you stop destroying yourselves?

Dear Lucinda,

    The people of TIB city have decided, collectively, to stay. They aren't accustomed to the modern world, and they'll keep themselves hidden, for the time being at least.
They're unlike us though. We've decided that we want to return with you. Maybe it's because we know brighter things await beyond the Colorado mountains. Or maybe it's because Veris REALLY wants a goldfish.
Either way, take this as an acceptance to your offer.
We want to come to New York with you.

P.S I've heard terrible things about the city, but if it's not run by a mind-altering computer then it seems like our kind of place!

Your Loyal Computer-Slayers,
            Veris and Foster.

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