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Arlo walks into my control room. He's empty handed, but he has news.
"We have failed our first attempt-"
"Because.. Lucinda had help. We where attacked by a helicopter."
"You couldn't hold your own agiasnt a helicopter?"
"They had explosives.."
"My goodness Arlo! Get your plans together. Don't you understand these types of things.. isn't this why I hired you-"
He staggers back a little.
"Oh sorry. I lose my temper sometimes. Here's my advice if you don't want your eardrums blown out; Do. Not. Humanize. Me."
Arlo doesn't respond. Humans do that. They are silent when it's required they speak, they are loud when silence needed.
"Did accompany the assasin?"
He shuffles his feet on my floor. Leather. It makes a certain sound, an ugly scuffing.
"Why not?"
"They.. you said I was the brain of this operation. I assumed they'd have an easy time neutralizing two teenagers!"
"But they didn't. Only one car came back, the other two? In pieces on a road - outside my city!"
He lowers his head.
"I want you to try agian."
He opens his mouth to speak, but closes it.
"Arlo. You aren't like the other humans. You are intelligent. We aren't so different, except that you are flesh, and I am metal. Get creative."
"How? I don't know what else too do TIB-"
"Maybe.. instead of brute force you could try something more... exotic."
He smiles. Although I cannot see him, I can read him. Although he isn't connected to my circuits through the chip, he is subject to my observations.
He's smiling.
"You know what you need to do."
He nods.
"And, Arlo? Make sure to bring me Lucinda. The others are worthless too me unless they are alive. Go."
Arlo starts off.

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