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I look in the mirror. Arlo stands behind me as I gaze at myself.
"Wonderful. You are beautiful my lady."
"Don't humanize me." I say as I load a pistol. I tie my black hair back and out of my face. I pick up a gun, a heavy one, I don't know the name. Humans always have to name everything. It's a gun it's got bullets get it through your thick skulls.
It feels very natural in my hand.
"Our company is on their way. Mr. Foster and Mrs. Veris will be unpleasantly surprised with your transformation I assume."
"I'll kill them."
"I'll wait in the control room with you. No doubt that's where they'll end up."
"Keep Lucinda alive. She's mine."
"And Mr. Emmet? He's your creator too."
I flick a stray lock of hair around my shoulder.
"Oh please! He's just one of Lucinda's slaves."
"Funny." Arlo says.
"What is?"
"The fact that you accuse Mrs. Lucinda of having slaves, while you have thousands, all living around you."
"I provide them homes and food and water and a tranquil life."
"As most slavers do I suppose.."
I make an exaggerated noise.
"Come. They're nearly here. I rather like the prospect of a physical fight."
"You are as cruel as you are fasticinating." Arlo teases.
"Once this is over, you will be paid."
He stands agiasnt the mircoLOC keyhole and cocks his pistol, aiming it at the door.
"But I'm quite read for a battle too."

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