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Emily's POV:

*beep beep* *beep beep* *beep beep*

I stretched out a hand to silence my noisy alarm before it retreated back to my warm fortress of solitude. I turned over, hoping for another hours sleep, but just as I was nodding off again, a loud knock on my door startled me.

"Yeah?" I croaked; my voice hadn't woken up yet either.

"Get dressed please Emily, and come downstairs, I've got something to talk to you about in the office." Miss Finn said through the heavy wooden door.

" 'Kay." I replied, as I start dragging myself out of bed reluctantly.

After throwing on some sweatpants, a jumper, and some slippers, and brushing my hand through my tangled brown mop of hair, I shuffled downstairs to hear what Miss had to say. I knocked on the office door and was greeted by a smiling Miss Finn.

"Come in, take a seat." She said, and as I did just that she started explaining. "Emily," she started, "I know you've been here a long time, almost twelve years now, and it might be difficult leaving if this goes well."

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I asked, wary.

"Well, I've got a very nice couple looking to adopt someone about your age, and-"

"Adopt?!" I exclaimed. I had waited for this for so long and had almost given up hope that it would actually happen. The question was; was I ready?

"Yes Emily," Miss rested her hand on my shoulder, "I think you and them are a perfect match, and I think it would be good for you to meet them. I know you've waited a long time for this, and I hope you like them as much as I do."

"Umm. ." I cleared my throat, I had a lot of questions. "When exactly would I meet them? Who are they? What are their names? Wh-"

"Steady on Em!" Miss Finn chuckled, "to answer your first question, we have a meeting lined up in two days, that is, if you want to meet them of course."

"Yes! I do want to, definitely, so who are they?"

"Well, its two women, I presume you're okay with that?" She looked to me for confirmation.

"Doesn't matter to me." I said, "Honestly, I care much more about someone's personality than their sexuality or gender or anything."

Miss Finn nodded, "I thought you'd say something to that effect." She told me. "Their names are Sara Quin and Stacy Reader."

Holy shit. Sara Quin?! I knew that Tegan and Sara's surname was Quin, and that Sara was with someone called Stacy, but I felt like I shouldn't get my hopes up.

"Are either of them into music?" I asked, hoping I sounded casual with my question. It was a valid question for me to ask; Miss knew that i loved playing the guitar.

"Actually, yes! I think Sara is a musician? That's one of the reasons I thought you'd like each other!" Miss Finn said.

"Oh, that's cool." I said nonchalantly, trying not to freak out inside.

  After I left the office and went upstairs again, I actually smiled for once. I was excited to meet them and find out if Sara was the Sara. I wouldn't get my hopes up though. Even if it was the Sara Quin and Stacy Reader, there was no guarantee that they would even like me, let alone adopt me.

  Even though I tried not to get too excited, I couldn't stop it, and I didn't think I'd sleep until the meeting, because of excitement, but also nerves.

A/N: I know I haven't really got into the story yet, or shown much of Tegan or Sara, or the adoption or depression, but this is more of an introduction chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it all the same. Anyway, I'm not here to rant (seriously) so I should stop this note here. See you later and thanks for reading!

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