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Emily's POV:

It was the day. The day I'd finally get to meet my possible future guardians. I felt sick as I got up and showered. I ran back to my room wrapped in a towel, hoping nobody would see me or my practically naked body. Once I was safely at my room and had locked my door, I dropped the towel and opened my wardrobe, wondering what to wear.

'Should I go formal, or stay casual?' I asked myself, 'Colourful or my usual, black?'

I finally decided on a smart-casual kind of look; black skinny jeans with a button down shirt.

"Emily!" I heard my name being called by Miss Finn. I swallowed hard, straightened my shirt, and studied my still damp hair in the mirror.

"Coming now Miss!" I yelled down the stairs as I made my way down them to the office.

Soon I was in front of the formidable door, I took one more deep breath, and knocked.

"Come in." Miss said, loudly so I could hear.

I opened the door, and there they sat. It was the Sara and Stacy. I smiled nervously and sat down on the identical floral sofa opposite them.

"Emily this is Sara and Stacy," Miss Finn said, motioning to each of them as she said their names, "Sara, Stacy, this is Emily."

"Hi, Emily." Sara spoke first in her soft Canadian accent, holding out her hand to shake.

I hesitantly leaned forward and took her hand, conscious of the fact my arm was shaking, and she shook it twice before letting go. I shook Stacy's hand as well before sitting back on the sofa.

"Well, I'll leave you three to chat for a bit, call me back if you need anything." Miss said, directing the last part mainly at me with a reassuring smile.

  While Miss left the room, I had the chance to really look at the two women in front of me. Sara was dressed more like me; skinny jeans and a shirt, with a cardigan over the top. Stacy looked more feminine and colourful in a blouse with a skirt and a patterned scarf. They both looked like they hadn't had much sleep, they also looked nervous, but happy.

Sara POV:

I looked at the girl as she studied us, no doubt noticing how tired and nervous we looked, and saw that she was shaking.

"Hey," I said, waiting for her to look at me before reassuring her, so that she could see in my eyes that I was being genuine, "Don't be nervous, I promise we're not that scary!" At that she smiled.

  "Sorry, I guess I'm just nervous because I never got the chance to be adopted before." She explained, tugging at her sleeves.

  "Well," said Stacy, "We'd love to get to know you better, and hopefully one day adopt you, but there's no rush, no pressure."

  "I'd love to get to know you two better as well!" Emily grinned.

  I decided to ask her about music, as Miss Finn had said she was into it. I wondered wether she had heard of me and Tegan? Probably not. "So, I heard you liked music? And you play guitar?" I asked.

  "Yeah!" She said enthusiastically, "I love playing music, listening to music, singing to music, just everything about it really!" She suddenly looked embarrassed, like she was ashamed of herself for being too enthusiastic.

  "Miss said that you were in a band, Sara?" She asked shyly.

  "Um, yeah, I'm actually in a band with my twin sister, Tegan. We're called Tegan and Sara. Inventive name, I know." I said, and she chuckled at my self deprecation.

  "Actually, um," she looked more nervous again, "I have heard of you before. . ." She looked down, as if scared of our reaction.

  "Cool! It doesn't matter if you don't like our music, it's just cool that you know us." I rambled. "I won't-"

  "Oh, I love your music!" She exclaimed.

  I breathed a sigh of relief, I really didn't mind if she liked it or not, but it was so much easier because she did.

  "Well, that's always good!" I smiled, looking at Stacy before reaching over to grab her hand. I realised Emily looked uncomfortable, so I let go of Stacy's hand.

  "Sorry, did we make you uncomfortable, we don't have to show affection in front of you if you find it embarrassing!" Stacy said; she was worried about wether Emily would accept us, I could hear it in the way her voice wobbled slightly.

  "Oh! No, no, its fine! I'm sorry if I looked uncomfortable or anything, I kinda zoned out!" She rushed to reassure us.

  "Great!" I smiled, and then Miss Finn knocked on the door and came in.

  "Okay ladies, I'm sorry but I'm afraid you've run out of time to talk today, would you like to arrange another meeting? Maybe a day when, Emily, you could go and see their house?" Miss said.

  "Yeah!" We all said at the same time, and laughed.

  Stacy spoke up. "I'm sure we'd love to have Emily come round to ours! That is, of course, if you'd like to Emily?"

  "Yes, please!" Emily said.

  And so it was decided. The day after the next, was to be the day Emily came to our house, and there was lots to do!

Guardians (Adopted by Sara and Stacy)Where stories live. Discover now