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Sara POV:

  Only one more day until we meet with our possible future daughter. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. And i was so excited too! Me and Stacy are finally going to get a child!

  The woman, who I think was called Miss Finn, said she she had found a perfect match for us. A girl called Emily, about 14 years old, who had been in a children's home since she was 2. Me and Stace didn't mind that she was older, in fact, we welcomed it; no potty training or temper tantrums for us! At least, hopefully no temper tantrums!

  I had been sitting on the sofa, contemplating this, when Stacy came up and sat next to me, resting her head on my shoulder.
  "Thinking about the adoption again?" Stacy asked softly. I nodded, looking at my girlfriend and smiling.

  "I'm just so excited, but also nervous." I admitted, "I mean, what if she doesn't like us, or thinks we're too, I dunno..."

  Stace held my shoulders with both hands and turned me to face her. "Listen, Sara, I'm sure it will be fine. She'll love you. Hopefully she'll like me too! But I know she'll love you. You are kind, talented, wise, gorgeous. What's there not to like?" She grinned at me. "Whereas I'm just.. just-"

  "Amazing, beautiful, sweet, outgoing, clever, sexy?" I finished for her, with what I hoped was a sexy smile.

  Apparently it was because Stacy began pushing me back onto the sofa cushions, pinning me down and kissing me passionately.
  I groaned. "I'm going to miss this." I said between kisses. Stacy pulled back with a confused expression, so I explained. "When we have a child, when will we get a chance to do this? Without having to be quiet, that is."

  "I feel sure I'll find a way." Stacy said with an irresistible  smirk that I just had to kiss away.

  Stace pulled away, despite my protests, only to grab my hand and pull me along to the bedroom. We were going to make the most of this night.

Guardians (Adopted by Sara and Stacy)Where stories live. Discover now