Him and Johnny

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Ponyboy's Pov
Today, I was going to hang out with (Y/n) again but with Johnny as well. Yesterday was nice to be with (Y/n), she got Cherry in jealousy but I always need to be with her. You never know if Cherry is going to plan anything violent. I don't want (Y/n) hurt even though she can protect herself. But it's my duty to so I don't get in trouble by Dally, you never want to mess with him or his sister. Anyways, Johnny and (Y/n) came and her eyes just got me. Her (E/c) is just too beautiful for me to see, when Johnny saw me look at her he said, "I know that she's gorgeous, but ask her out". "I am...one day", I replied back, "One day?", he questioned. "I'm not sure if she's ready, I want to give her some time", I replied, but he understood what I was saying. (Y/n) came to me and she gave me a hug, "Can I have a hug?", Johnny asked "No", (Y/n) answered. He got mad at first but then he smirked at me, I got confused and he told (Y/n) if he could talk to her...alone. They walked behind the house and I just got worried.

Johnny's Pov
You may be asking why I told (Y/n) to me alone? Well, I'm helping Ponyboy on telling (Y/n) if she's ready to date. I know! I'm a prefect friend. But this is for Ponyboy, my best friend. "(Y/n), can I ask you a question?", I told her "Yes", she replied. "Well, I'm just wondering if your ready to date?", I questioned her "Wait, let me do something first", she said. She came back a few minutes later because Dally had called her for something. "What was the question again?", she said "That if your ready to date?", I told her again, she blushed "Oh yeah, I sure am", she said. "Ok just wondering, lets go
back with Ponyboy.", I told her. We went back to Ponyboy and I whispered the whole thing. He fist pumped the air like if he was saying 'YEAH!' a million times. I just laughed and feel on the ground so did he but we got up after.

(Y/n) Pov
After, I talked to Dally...again! Me, Ponyboy, and Johnny went to the park. We were all hanging out but just instead of 2 people there are 3 people. I saw Cherry again, he was trying to let Ponyboy hug her but failed. Seeing that just made me laugh but then she kicked my stomach, I was bleeding already from my mouth. I was trying to strike at her but Ponyboy catches me and runs somewhere else. He laid me on a bench and tried to stop the bleeding. The bleeding stopped a few minutes later and we just walked, I couldn't walk that much because of the pain. Ponyboy keeps saying that I'm ok but I keep saying that I am ok. He carried me in a piggy back ride and I just tried to let Johnny to get me off of him. Johnny didn't wanted to help me because he was in Ponyboy's side so I just agreed to him. I was getting tried so I just slept on Ponyboy.

Ponyboy's Pov
I looked back and (Y/n) was sleeping. She looked cute, Johnny agreed but I told that she's my girl. We all went home, well mines and we're in my room. I laid (Y/n) on the bed and tried to wake her up, "(Y/n), want to go out with me", I asked her. She blushed and answered with..

A/N: Cliffhanger!! Heheh, but anyways I will continue doing stuff like this but in busy days I won't. Because I'm just busy. Byeee!!😂

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