Chapter 1: Meeting the Mikaelsons(Final Part)

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No one's POV
After, Ari showered and did her makeup, and got dressed, she headed over to meet Cami at Rousseau's. Once she got there she saw that Cami wasn't there. So, she called her. When Cami didn't answer Ari got worried, since she knew that Cami was involved with the supernatural. So she went over to her apartment. On the way there she came to the decision that once she met up with Cami she would tell her that she was a witch. When she was about to knock on Cami's door she was surprised to see Cami walking up the steps to her apartment. "Oh, hey Ari. I didn't know you were coming over." Cami said once she saw Ari at her door. "Well I did call after you ditched me at Rousseau's." Ari responded with her slight British accent. "Oh, I'm so sorry Ari, I completely forgot about that. I was busy with a- patient!" Cami said with slight hesitation and a slight stutter. "It's OK Cami. So who was this patient?" Ari questioned with a slight nudge, knowing that one of Cami's patients was Klaus. "It was Klaus." Cami said distracted. Ari noticed that she was looking out the window, so when she went to look Cami quickly stuttered out an excuse to leave, while shifting Ari's body away from the window. "Um, hey how about I make it up to you by taking a walk around town." "Ok, sure." Ari wasn't too sure why Cami wanted to leave so quickly, but it was most likely something to do with Klaus. So as Cami and Ari left the building they started walking and talking like nothing was wrong. And just when she about to tell Cami she was witch, Klaus and his older brother Elijah stopped the two. It was then that Ari saw how handsome Elijah was. She knew all about the originals, well almost. She didn't know much about their human lives, only there ones as vampires. "Hello Cami, and Cami's friend." Klaus said once he saw the girl with purple and pink hair. He then remembered seeing her at Rousseau's last night. So he came to the conclusion that they were friends. "Cami, who is this?" "Oh, yeah, sorry Klaus, Elijah this is my friend Aradia Grey." Once the mikaelson brothers heard that name they both almost instantly went into shock. And to shock them even more the girl knew who they were to. "Hello there Mikaelsons." Ari said with a slight smile realizing that they knew of her, which means things will be getting a lot more interesting.

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