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  The next morning I get ready to  go in with everyone . Carl isn't allowed to go but since Daryl and Glenn are in charge of me I can go. I'm pretty sure Hailey is going too. I hope she does.
   "Hailey are you going with today?" I ask.
   "No, sorry. I have a headache," she says. I just nod and walk away.
   I feel weird since this is one of the first times carl and Hailey wont be there to help me. Rick hands me a machete and I say thank you. I take out all my knives and put three in my waistband and put one in each of my boots. I still have my bow and arrows but they told me to try and use the knives. I put the machete in my waistband with the other knives and grab a pipe sort of thing. I can use this to kill the walkers too.
  We get in formation. Before going in Carl runs up to me.
  "Be careful," he says as he hugs me and kisses my cheek.
  "I will. I always am. Plus I promised never to leave you," I say with a smile. He lets go and runs to Hershel to help with the gate. Maggie and I have our backs up against each other. My heart starts to race as I hear the gate open. We all storm in we stay stay in formation as we all kill walkers. When we start to open the door I here Rick mutter 'shiz' and he has us all line up against the wall. I give Glenn a questioning look at he mouths 'lots of walkers'. I feel my heart speed up and I nod my head. I take a deep breath and wait for orders.
   My heart seems to stop when the walkers notice us. Everyone splits up and I freak out on the inside but keep my cool. Ok. Ok. If I die it's okay. Okay. Not the way to think.
   Daryl comes and grabs me so I'm not alone anymore. We stand back to back as walkers keep coming. I hear Glenn and Maggie freaking out but can't yell where I am because it can draw in more walkers. Daryl and I help Rick lock another fence. Maggie Shows us how to stab the walkers with the riot gear on the right way.
   We all run over to a fenced door and go in. I stand in the middle of the group and we go in. Once inside the prison itself Maggie and Glenn hug me saying they were happy that I'm ok.
   We walk around and clear cells. It's all the same old same old.
   Rick finds keys and unlocks a door leading to C block. We walk in and clear the cells. I walk up with Rick and Daryl.
   I signal I'm going to go check cells and they nod. I am only a little ahead when a walker flings itself any the cell bars and grabs me. I struggle against it's grip and Daryl and Rick run to come help me. I grab my knife and stab it in the head. It lets go immediately and falls the the ground.
  We keep going and stay towards the railing. They stab another one. Once we secure it and check it we get everybody else.
  "Where am I staying?" I ask Daryl .          
   "Stay in that cell because I can see it perfectly from the perch," Daryl responds pointing to the cell right across from the perch.
  "Ok, dad," I say with a laugh as I take off running. Daryl laughs too. I go into the cell and see Carl walk into the one right next to mine.
   "HAILEY COME IN MY CELL BLOCK. WE SHOULD SHARE A CELL BLOCK," I yell. Hailey laughs and runs up the stairs.
  "Hey we're neighbors," Carl says with a laugh.
  "I guess so," I say with a smile.
  "Goodnight Kat," Carl says.
  "Goodnight Grimes," I say with a smile. He hugs me and kisses me on the cheek.
  "I saw that Carl grimes," Daryl says. Carl turns red as I laugh.
  "Goodnight Daryl," I yell. 
  "Goodnight kit Kat," Daryl yells. Carl and I walk into our cells . I set my bag and weapons right next to me on the bed. Hailey walks in and smiles at me.
  "Hey hails. You can have the top bunk," I say with a smile.
  "Okay,thanks Kat," Hailey says with a smile.
   "Your welcome Hailey."
   "Goodnight kat."
   "Goodnight Hailey."

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