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  I wake up to Daryl and everyone  else looking at Riot gear. I run down stairs.
  "What's going on?" I ask Daryl.
  "We are going to go look around," he responds.
  "Ok I'm coming with," I say as I run up the stairs and put on my usual Attire for Walker killing. This time I bring out my gun too. I clip the silencer on and put four full magazine clips in my waistband with my machete.
I look up as I hear Hailey stir. She doesn't look to good though.
"Hey kat," she says quietly.
"What's up hails? You don't look so good."
"Oh,uhm I think I have a cold,," she says.
"Okay, I'll tell Lori and get you some medicine," I say with a smile. She just thanks me and nods.
I throw on the leather Jacket with angel wings that Daryl found for me awhile back. I lace up my combat boots and stick a knife in either of them and hide my gun inside my Jacket. I throw my bag full of arrows over my back and grab my bow and gun down the stairs. I walk straight to Lori and pull her aside.
"Do you mind checking on Hailey, she has a fever and a cold," I say.
"It could be a wal-"
"It's not. I checked. Plus we both know she would kill herself off ." I know I didn't check but I can't think of losing Hailey too.
"True." I walk away with that.
  "I'm ready," I say to Daryl.
  "Ok kit Kat," he says with a smile.
  "Are you sure she should go?" Rick asks.
  "Yup," Daryl says cleaning the scope on his cross bow. I help T-dog snap his vest on. As we head out Carl and Beth run up to me.
  "Be careful," Beth says as she hugs me.
  "See you soon," Carl says as he kisses my cheek.
  "You know it," I say and I take off. We walk out and basically keep walking. Once down the stairs Daryl has me stay close to him.
   It's dark and damp down here. Glenn spray paints an arrow to give direction for the next time we come down here. Maggie runs into Glenn and yells causing me to pull out an arrow towards Glenn's head. 'Sorry' I mouth as I move it away from his head. We keep going.
   I go up front with Rick and Daryl. We walk around a corner and I feel all the color drain from my face and my heart stop. Walkers. Loads of them.
  "Turn around," Daryl says.
  "Go back," Rick whisper yells. We turn around and take off running. Maggie and I are running when we come to a corner. More walkers. As we turn around a walker grabs me and another grabs her. Glenn grabs us and pulls Maggie free but has trouble getting me. I grab and arrow and stab it in the eye. It lets go and we all run down another hall. More come out and Split us off from the group. Glenn and Maggie shove me in a room then they come in. Glenn shuts the door and locks it.
  "We will go back out when the herd passes.," Glenn says to us. I just nod. Once we no longer hear any walkers Glenn walks out, then Maggie then me.
  "Rick?" Glenn says.
  "Dad?" Maggie says.
  "Daryl," I whisper yell.
   "Maggie?" I hear someone say. Hershel! I run to where it came from and see Hershel trip over a walker and get bit. I grab an arrow and send it flying through the walkers head. The commotion causes more walkers to come my way.
Daryl grabs me and we run until we get to a set of double doors. I look for something to barricade the doors as T and Daryl hold it shut. Once I find something to barricade the doors I go to help with Hershel as Daryl comes with me. T stays by the door.
  "Duck,"Daryl whispers. I look up and see what he means . Everyone ducks as he swiftly stands up and has in Cross bow pointed. I do the same with my bow.
Daryl and I slowly coax them out. One guy pulls his gun out and as a reaction I swiftly pull an arrow back and point it at his head.
  "Kathrine, Daryl lets go," Rick says.
  "But they'll follow us," I say. Daryl leaves but as I start to walk when the one man with the gun grabs me and puts the gun to my head.
  "Pull the trigger , do it," I say,"Kill me and you all will die. Every last one of you. They will hang you from the fences or cuff you and wait until they need walker bait."
  "Lead us to where your staying," one threatens a little shakily.
  "Pull the trigger. Do it. I dare you," I say.
  "I doubt they'll care they left you here," one says.
  "Obviously because my friend had to have his leg chopped off," I say.
  "Lead us there," he says pushing the gun closer to my temple. I'm not phased by this.
  "Make me you son of a," he hits me in the head with the gun. He hopes it will knock me out but I just act like it does. The big dude comes and picks me and my arrows up.
  "Let's go ," the guy with the gun says. I slowly move my hands as they walk and as they come close to the rest of the group I elbow the guy carrying me close to the throat.   
    He drops me and I draw my gun and point it at the man with the gun. I pick up my bow and keep my gun trained on them. I shoot close to his head so it barely grazes it. It freaks them all out and the man with the gun drops the gun. I run off as they are distracted and search up to the group.
   We soon reach cell block C. Rick, Maggie, and Glenn walk in while T, Daryl, and I stay behind. I train my gun on the door and Daryl does the same with his crossbow. Then they all walk in.
  "Cell 4. That's mine gringo," the one with the gun says.
  "Callate , before I shoot you again. This time it'll be right in between the eyes," I say.
  " you speak Spanish?" Daryl asks. 
  "My grandpa and mom were Mexican."
  "Let us in," Gun man says.
  "It's your lucky day fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. Your free to go,"  Daryl Says.
  "What you got going on in there?"
  "Ain't none of your concern," Daryl and I say.
  "Don't be telling me what my concern," he says pulling his gun out. I cock my gun  and he jumps back. Daryl and I smirk at this. Scared of a twelve almost thirteen year old. Nice.
  "I told you this time it'll be right in between the eyes ," I threaten.
   "Just chill man. Dudes leg is messed up . Besides we're free now. Why are we still in here?" The guy who was carrying me asks. They obviously don't know.
  "The mans got a point," Daryl says.
  "Yeah, and I gotta check on my old lady," another man says. Now I feel bad. They really don't know.
  "A group of civilians breaking in to a prison y'all go no business being in. It got me thinking there ain't no place for us to go," gun man says.
  "Your wrong. You can go to hell after I shoot you. Or leave. But I like the first option better," I say. Daryl smiles and stifles a laugh.
  "Maybe we'll just be going now," some dude with a mustache says.
  "Hey we ain't leaving."
  "You ain't coming here either," T says coming out of hiding. The man points his gun at t dog. As he opens his mouth I shoot grazing the arm holding the gun. He yells out in agony.
  "Put the damn gun down," I say.
  "Make me," he says. I cock the gun again and he jumps.
  "I'll make it all stop if I have to ," I say. Rick runs in.
  "Did you really shoot him?" Rick asks.
  "Twice but I made sure it just grazes the skin so I burns," I say truthfully. Rick smirks. He loves that I'm a girl who can stand her own ground. I ignore all the words coming from their mouths and keep the gun trained on it head.
   All I can keep remember is it's been about 294 days. We walk the men outside so they can see what happened to the world. I keep my gun ready. I hear the man start arguing with Rick and raise my gun a quarter of the way. He raises his gun and I raise mine. I keep it trained on his head. Daryl and I keep our weapons raised as everyone reasons. Daryl tells me to go back into the cell block while they get the food. I agree and walk inside. I bang on the bars And Carl comes out with his gun raised.
  "Chill grimes it's just me," I say with a laugh as he unlocks the door. He smiles back.
  "I got worried I haven't seen you since you left," Carl says throwing his arms around me. At least fifteen minutes later T and Rick come in with lots of food.
   I go up to my cell and change into a regular T-shirt. I look up and see Hailey still sleeping.
    I put all my weapons away except a knife in my boot. I set all the magazines for my gun in the side pocket of my back and the empty ones in the other pocket .
  Once I'm done I walk down stairs to go help Carl organize the food. He walks in as soon as I get to the end of the stairs though.
  "I thought you were organizing the food," Glenn says.
  "Even better, check it out," Carl says as I follow him into Hershel's Cell.
  "Where did you get this?" Lori asks as we all look through the medical supplies.
  "Found the infirmary. Wasn't much left but I cleared it out," Carl says proudly.
  "You went by yourself?" Lori asks. Even I know I'm not allowed to go places by myself.
  "Yeah," he says like it's nothing. He didn't even come get me. What if something happened to him? Does he not remember the pact?
  "Are you crazy?" Lori asks.
  "No big deal. I killed two walkers," Carl argues. Ok does he not realize that those walkers could have killed him though?
  "You-- all right, do you see this? This was with the whole group," Lori says gesturing to Hershel. 
  "We needed supplies ,so I got them," Carl says raising his voice.
  "I appreciate that but--"
  "Then get off my back," Carl yells.
  "Carl!" Beth and I say at the same time.
  "She's your mother," Beth says.
  "You can't talk to her like that," I finish.
  "Listen, I think it's great that you want to help--" Lori starts but is cut off by Carl running out. I would go talk to him but I think he mostly needs space.
   I walk up to my cell and just sit there. I pull my backpack up onto the bed and pull out the crayon box with all the pictures in it. I pull them out and look at them one by one. I see pictures of Judy and I. I feel tears poke out of my eyes. They start to roll down my face and I can't stop them. There's pictures of us at the park by her house. Or there pictures of just her. Or just me. I feel my hands shake as I throw the pictures off the bed. My chest starts to tighten and I feel like I can't breathe. I hear walking and turn my head .
  "What's wrong kat?" I hear someone ask softly. I look up and see Carl . He walks over and slowly picks up the pictures of Judy and I and sets them in the crayon box.
  "Uh nothing ," I say with a forced smile.
  "Don't lie."
  "That was Judy," I say pointing to a picture of her and I. Her red hair in a perfect ponytail. Even though it was the end of the world she was happy. She was what made me happy. Carl just hugs me. I cry a little but finally get it all out.
  "Sorry," I say referring to his tear stained shirt.
  "It's ok," he says with a smile. We clean up and walk down stairs. On our way down Hershel stops breathing and Beth and I scream for help. Lori walks in and pretty much saves his life.
    Twenty or so minutes later Rick walks in. We tell him about Lori saving Hershel. As he walks in Hershel opens his eyes. We all stand in shock as he takes Ricks hand. We all smile or cry tears of joy.
  As it gets late Glenn and Daryl tell me it's time for bed. I agree and walk up the stairs. Before I walk in my cell Carl walks up to his
  "Goodnight Hernandez," he calls out.
  "Goodnight Grimes," I say with a smile as I walk into my cell and lay down. As my head it's the pillow the last thing I hear is
  "I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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