Chapter Nineteen

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So FINALLY a new chapter :O I've been writing this since Friday, which is long for me, because normally when I'm not going out I can churn out a chapter a day. Admittedly I was kind of busy yesterday, but still, I should have been able to upload this earlier. There's another flashback in this one, and I want to know, is it too much? Please give your honest opinion :D

This is dedicated to xXPeacefulChaosXx for voting, commenting and fanning me :D I really appreciate it. Remember guys, you'll only get a dedication if you comment :D


     Michael woke up the next morning to the ping of his phone, telling him he had a text message. It vibrated against the bedside table loudly, lighting up. He worked hard to suppress a moan, and rolled over to look at it. He presumed that it would be from Debby, but surprisingly it was not.

     How’s the thing with the chick going? It was from Jordan. He hadn’t heard from Jordan for at least a week, and hadn’t had much contact with most of his friends in Warwick either. It was strange how he could go to St. David’s and find himself suddenly cut off from his life there.

    He typed slowly, his brain still trying to wake up. Great, he replied. We got back together last night actually. He rolled back over and stared at the ceiling of the guest room in Beth’s house. It was still true the next morning. They were back together.

     His phoned buzzed again and he reached for it. Duuude! Why didn’t you tell me?! was Jordan’s answer.

     Michael actually laughed audibly. It was only once he started talking to Jordan that he remembered how much he loved him really. They’d met in their first term of university, when they’d been on the same floor in student housing, and the next year had decided to live together. He was really a great friend.

      Michael texted back saying It was only last night, chill out. He put his phone back down after hitting send, and crawled from under the duvet, stumbling the distance to the bathroom. Without hesitation he stripped off his underwear and got straight in the shower, hoping it would wake him up a bit.

     When he was back out half an hour later he had two messages on his phone. One was from Debby asking if he was awake yet, the other was from Jordan. Am I gonna get to meet her at some point?

     Michael stood in his room, the light still off, with only a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair dripping water down his neck, contemplating this. How would he meet her? When? He’d known that eventually, if he and Debby were to stay together, all his friends would get to meet her, would have to meet her. Jordan and Dave, Molly, Alice, Leon and Josh. Everyone he knew would meet her. His friends back in Manchester too. It wasn’t that he was embarrassed; it was that he’d never shared her with anyone apart from the people in St. David’s and his parents. She’d always been his own thing, and now everybody would know. It would just be weird introducing her to them.

     His phoned buzzed again, before he’d even decided what to reply to him, but this time it was Debby. Actually, it doesn’t matter, she’d sent. I’m coming over anyway.

     Michael couldn’t resist smiling. Just the thought of seeing her again was enough to make him forget everything and feel nothing but joy.

     He got dressed quickly in the dark before making his way down the stairs, to go have breakfast. It was the first day in a while that the sun wasn’t beaming down on St. David’s and he could tell that it would rain with just one glance out of the window.

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