Chapter Twenty-Five

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This one's exciting guys! Hope you like it too :D I won't be uploading for a few days now, but I hope you apreciate my three days straight of uploading! Sorry it's a bit short though :S The video on the side is Regina Spektor's new song, for which the video is stunning! Definitely give it a watch.

Remember to comment and vote if you like it :)


     Debby was a bit reluctant, but Michael insisted and they were off the next day. Debby spent the four hour journey biting her nails nervously and trying to persuade him not to do anything too crazy.

     They hadn’t actually done much the day before, because Debby was too distressed and Michael was too angry at Alfie for either of them to be able to think of going out. So their stay in Warwick hadn’t lasted more than one full day and they hadn’t even done anything in that time.

     ‘It’s gonna be fine,’ Michael told her for the millionth time, as they pulled up in front of Alfie’s house in Haverfordwest.

     Debby let out a long slow breath and turned to him with pleading eyes. ‘It’s Alfie, it’s not,’ she warned him. ‘Why did we have to come straight here anyway? Couldn’t we have gone back to mine first?’

     ‘No,’ Michael insisted. ‘We have to sort this out.’ He undid his seatbelt and climbed out of the car, with Debby scrambling after him.

      She walked quickly next to him as they approached his front door and she continued her pleading. ‘Come on Michael. Don’t do this. It’s not going to end well.’

      He paused in front of the dark, oak door with a golden knocker placed perfectly in the middle. ‘This it?’ he checked. Debby just nodded, still looking worried. Michael raised his hand and banged the knocker, the sound echoing loudly around the large house.

     After a few seconds they heard the noise of footsteps pattering quickly on the stairs. ‘That’s not Alfie’s way of walking,’ Debby hissed at him urgently. Michael just shrugged; he didn’t care if anyone opened the door, he just wanted to bash Alfie’s face in.

     The door opened with a loud creak and a timid woman appeared. She was shorter than even Debby, with very wide eyes, and a posture that just screamed fear. She tucked the strands of her short, mousey hair behind her ears and mumbled ‘Um, hello?’ She fixed her eyes on Michael’s chiselled face and it almost looked like she was going to cry. ‘Can I help you?’ she asked, raising her voice to a level you could almost call normal.

     ‘Mrs. Manning?’ Debby said, stepping forwards a little.

     Mrs. Manning’s face lit up with recognition and suddenly she looked a lot more relaxed. ‘Debby!’ she cried. ‘I didn’t see you there for a second, behind…ah?’

     Michael stuck out his hand and shook hers gently. ‘Michael Williams,’ he told her. ‘Is your son home, Mrs. Manning?’

     ‘Alfie? I was wondering when you’d come to see him again Debby,’ she said, ignoring Michael’s question. ‘It’s been a few days. Longer than usual.’

     ‘Yeah,’ Debby muttered, rubbing her bare arm. ‘I’ve been busy. Is he in?’

     ‘Sorry, he’s not back yet,’ she told them. ‘He went out last night and is only coming back now.’

     ‘Do you think he’ll be back soon?’ Michael asked politely.

     ‘Yes, I think he’s on his way,’ she replied, a little uncertainty in her voice. It was strange how the second she was addressing Michael she sounded uneasy. It seemed to him like she wasn’t good with strangers.

     ‘Would it be okay if we were to come in and wait for him?’ he continued.

      Mrs. Manning looked from Michael to Debby, her eyes lingering on her for a moment. ‘Yes, that would be fine.’

     Debby took the lead and went into the dining room, where they both sat down at the table. ‘Would you like some tea?’ Mrs. Manning offered.

      ‘Yes,’ Michael replied for the both of them. As soon as she’d left the room to go into the separate kitchen he turned to Debby. ‘It sounds like he hasn’t told her you two broke up.’

     Debby nodded. ‘Probably not,’ she agreed. ‘He doesn’t tell her much.’

     ‘She’s an odd woman,’ he commented.

     ‘She’s terrified of Alfie,’ Debby admitted. ‘We shouldn’t be here.’ Michael raised his eyebrows but before he could say anything their subject reappeared.

      ‘Ah, I’m sorry, but I completely forgot,’ she announced. ‘We don’t have any tea.’

     ‘That’s okay, Mrs. Manning,’ Debby reassured her. ‘We need to be leaving anyway.’ She stood up as she said this and started to make to leave. Michael grabbed on to her upper arm and squeezed tight. She wasn’t getting away that easy. While he was trying to formulate an excuse to stay that didn’t sound ridiculous, they heard the front door open.

     Michael dropped Debby’s arm abruptly and almost ran out into the corridor. There he found Alfie, kicking off his shoes. When he looked up his eyes turned to stone.

     ‘What the hell are you doing in my house?’ he spat at Michael. ‘Who let you in?’ Debby appeared in the hallway to and his eyes enlarged. ‘Debby! What the fuck are you bringing this twat into the house for?’

     ‘Alfie, he loves me,’ she told him, her voice surprisingly calm. ‘Which is more than I can say for you.’

     Alfie scowled and bared his teeth. ‘Debby, if you’ve been sleeping with that jerk, I’ll kill you!’

     Michael couldn’t contain himself any more. He stepped towards Alfie, squeezing his fists together to stop himself from doing anything too rash. ‘You do not talk to her like that,’ he warned.

     Alfie took a step closer, and grabbed Michael roughly by the material of his shirt. ‘I’ll talk to her however I like!’ he yelled. ‘She’s my girlfriend!’

     Michael shoved him away and he stumbled up against the wall. ‘No, she’s fucking not!’

      At this moment Mrs. Manning appeared in the hallway, her eyes wider than ever. ‘Um, what’s going on?’ she asked. The words were formulated pathetically for this situation, but it was a pathetic question too.

     ‘I’ll tell you what’s going on,’ Michael said angrily. ‘Alfie and Debby broke up a week ago, and he’s been sending her threatening texts ever since.’

      Mrs. Manning coughed awkwardly, but didn’t seem shocked. ‘I’m sorry Debby,’ she mumbled.

     Debby moved to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. ‘It’s not your fault,’ she reassured the woman.

     Michael shook his head with disbelief. This whole situation was awful, and everyone but him seemed to think it was normal. ‘Come on Debby, we’re leaving,’ he declared, grabbing her by the arm and dragging to the door. He opened it and shoved her out, before turning back to Alfie.

     He stepped towards him and looked him square in they eyes. ‘Don’t you ever come near her again,’ he said under his breath. ‘Don’t text her, or call her, or try and contact her at all. Nothing.’

     He decided to leave it at that, hoping that the message had sunk in. But just as he was stepping over the threshold of the house he heard a defiant voice behind him. ‘Fuck you,’ it said.

     He spun round and closed the distance between them at a rapid speed, then before he hand a chance to think, threw his fist at Alfie’s jaw, hitting him right where it hurts.

     Alfie fell, crumpled on the floor. Michael didn’t wait to see if he would get up, he turned and fled, Debby at his heels.

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