Chapter XVII - The big secret

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Nero: We were in front of a hidden entrance behind the library. I had used my phone as a flashlight and stepped on the stairs to to Adrian's secret. The cold temperature was lowering more and more as much as we stepped ahead.
On the left side at the base of the stairs it was a switch. I had pressed it and turned on the light. The light revealed a desk with lots of papers on it. Alia got closer to the desk and yelled as much as she could.

'That's impossible.'

Alia: Nanites. The virus was based on micro-nanites. In front of me it was their plan. And worst was the fact that they could had regenerate from all types of wounds except of removing the part of the body from it completely. That means...

Danny: All our fights were a waste of time. They can't be killed. I had looked at Nero how he was studying all those papers. It was very clear the fact that his brain was working very hard.

'Are you realising what that means?' Nero asked.

'That Adrian had created the virus?'

Nero made us clear an idea: There was a way to stop the virus. Somewhere in the world there was a main source that kept the nanites activated.

'If you're proposing to go through another suicidal mission, I'll let you know I got tired of the last one.' I said with an annoyed voice.

'Who said something about a mission? Firstly we have to find the main source and to see how we can stop it.'

Sometimes Nero was annoying me, but enough with that.

'And what are we supposed to do? To go to sea and beat sea monsters? Or to bring us on final floor of the highest building? Or to bring us to the most active zone, where we would die? Let's hear, Mr team leader!' I had yelled at him.

Nero said on a calm voice that he was not the leader. All of us were leaders. Then he asked me what had I thought that would mean the final battle? Just hugs and kisses? Nero confessed to us that the final battle was his biggest fear. He didn't wanted to lose us too. He was right somehow. If I had entered in this, automatically I was about to risk my life, but this failings were just about to destroy us. I told such thing to Nero and Alia took his side.

'That H.E.X. building proved us that every building was a trap. The visit in the woods proved us why that area has such a small activity.'

I should had killed him when I had the chance. I knew that it wasn't just a mere coincindence.

Nero: Searching through all those papers I had managed to find what I needed. His journal and the secrets of the virus and nanites was now in my hands.

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