For the Love of Minecraft

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I slaughtered another cow with my iron sword and I adjusted my shirt collar, I picked up the meat and leather and placed both in my inventory and looked up seeing the sun was about to set. "Shit," I cursed under my breath and tracked back to the little house my friend, Beaw, and I built for her. As I neared, I saw her cat cleaning itself next to the ladder that led up and it perked its ears as I got closer. "Hey buddy, hows lil' Tarzan doing?" I talked to him and stroked the top of his head behind his ears and he purred. I pet him one last time and climbed up the ladder to the door to then headed inside.

"There you are, did you get the food?" Beaw asked as she returned climbed down from upstairs. Probably making potions as usual. The home had that weird Nether smell to it. She looked happier than usual, "Yep I did." I took out the raw meat and set the pile of 40 on her counter. "Say, you look happy, what's up?"

"Well I went out and when I got out of the forest biome onto the plains, I found horses and a village!"

I looked at her confused, "And what does that mean?"

"We can bring them back here, have horses and travel farther than usual. Maybe even more things to use for my potions!" My young witchy friend was excited about visiting the other area. I glanced back at her and she pouted, "We could find and meet some more people! We haven't met anyone since we woke up."

Beaw and I woke up in this world where we found each other and decided to stick together. Everything is in a block form, and we haven't found anyone since. "Fine. We'll go get the horses once we get the materials needed, okay?" I replied to her.

"Yes! I'll go fetch some wheat and make some leads!" And with that, my blue headed friend took off back upstairs on the ladder I helped her install. I signed again and finished getting new materials since mine were almost broken. I helped Tarzan inside then went up the 2nd floor to find Beaw digging in her chests to pull out some slime balls and string.

I continued to the next floor where her brewing stand and ingredients were located. Another part of the house branched off from here to another house connected to this one.That's where I had built my first home since I woke up here. I opened the door that led to some more stairs and raced down to the main floor where a grey wolf, along with a dark brown bat, slept. The floor creaked and the two pairs of eyes sprung open. The bat flew from the wolf's fur to the lever that stuck from the wall, its two green eyes watching my movement while the wolf stood from it's sleeping spot to softly growl. I bent down and held out my hand, "It's me, Kurt. Greg, come on down."

Kurt stopped and slowly walked to sniff my hand then placed it's head under it to be petted. The bat squealed then flew down onto my shoulder and landed to where it's thumbs wrapped over my shoulder. "I'm sorry I haven't been in here for a while. Beaw needed some things down with her part of the house and wanted me to help." I talked to the animals until they seemed calmer with my presence.

After a bit of moving my equipment back into my house from Beaw's, I threw a piece of steak on the ground and watched as Kurt gobbled it down. The wolf turned back around to rest on the carpet in front of the small fireplace I made. Greg flew from the small levers and tripwires I also installed for him and noticed the wolf back on the floor. He then flew down to nuzzle into Kurt's fur and slowly fall back asleep. I smiled and went back to the 2nd floor where my bed, some of my chests, and bookshelves were at. I searched through the materials to build two saddles and another chest plate then closed the top to place the items in my inventory. I left my house and saw Beaw with her belt of potions of all kinds on her waist and she was harvesting some wheat in her garden that was under her home. Since we built it on stilts, she placed a small garden with other foods and plants under it. "Ready?" I asked her and leaned against one of the house's poles. She brushed her knees off and placed the wheat in her inventory. "Yep, let's go!"

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