Run like the Ender

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Beaw led the way through the forested area and as we left the dense parts into the large clearing ahead, Beaw continued to head up a hill and she called me over to hide behind the top of it with her, "See that donkey over there?" Beaw then pointed towards the donkey who was by himself chewing on some grass, "Yeah, and what about him," I asked her while cocking my eyebrow.

"He can carry a chest on his back, so we can travel with another inventory, plus he looks cute." Beaw squealed and I rolled my eyes, "Fine, but he is going to be pretty slow, I hope you know that."

"Oh who cares, let's go see if he likes us." Beaw stood up and pulled herself over the hill and ran down it to then walk towards the animal. "Hey there 'lil guy." The blue haired witch held out a few pieces of wheat and the donkey sniffed it then started to eat it. "Yeah you're hungry aren't ya?" I heard to her say and she then slid the lead around his neck. He seemed to not care and only continued to chew at the food the girl held out for him and I glanced to a small herd that included a black stallion, a black and white mare, and with a black foal. The stallion raised his head towards Beaw, but then he raised it to myself and we shared eye contact for a few seconds before he went back to grazing. I made my way down the hill near my friend and noticed how some of the chickens and pigs not to far away started to awkwardly move towards us instead of over the pasture. "Beaw, I think we should get going."

"Aw not yet. You need a horse. Go and make friends with that black one over there." Beaw aimed her head towards the stallion and he glared at me once again. A small rumble occurred in the ground and I saw the pebbles in the ground start to jut out because of it. I slowly made my way to the stallion and held out my hands which contained the lead on one, "Hey, I'm sorry to seem like I want to hurt you, but I don't think here is safe. You can come with me if you want."

The stallion then snorted and slowly walked back towards the mare and the foal where he shouldered the foal away from me. Beaw was already on the donkey with a saddle and she was giggling the whole time.

I started to greet the horses slowly and held out my hand for the small black foal to come up and shove his head under my fingers. Not long after, the ground shook again, except it was longer and it was followed by explosions, "TNT! Run!" Beaw shouted and the donkey reared and started to head back into the forest. The mare hurried her foal up the hill and the stallion looked back then willingly hurried past and I got on his back while he rushed his family up the hill. The explosions were louder and much larger at this point and the plains looked exactly like a minefield while I shot a glance back. There on the horizon, a small group of four people where standing there and looking down into the destruction, "Good enough. Get your pickaxes and we'll start mining," is what I made out before we raced into the forest. The horses and donkey hurried into the dense trees and shouldered their way past the branches and I ducked when the stallion was moving through the area.

A minute after, we found our way back to our homes where Kurt and Greg were sitting outside and raced up to me. I got off of the stallion who shook his mane and I pat the wolf's head who was growling, "Sh, Kurt, I'm okay."

I stood up and glanced at Beaw who was getting off of her donkey, "Yeah, let's go get some horses then go to a village. Those guys were probably the ones who live in the village. We could have died!"

"And maybe they weren't! We have to go check it out." Beaw argued with me and sighed, "Look I saw a village so it has have some people in it. We're so far away from others this may be our only chance."

"Are you even listening to yourself? You're insane! We'll die before we even get there, Beaw. We'll be blown to bits if not taken hostage first!"

"Then I'll go by myself." Beaw crossed her arms and stormed away. "Beaw, come on-" I started to say but she was already back onto her donkey and quickly raced off. I sighed heavily and led the mare and foal under a small ledge that covered a small area of grass. I placed down a fence post and tied both up then got back to the stallion to place a saddle on his back, "Greg let's go. Kurt, stay here and make sure everything stays safe." I called to them and Greg flew to my shoulder while the wolf sat near the front of the houses and pointed his ears.

We crashed through the undergrowth that was filled with branches and shrubs and continued to follow the path Beaw took. Greg flew up and swooped back down from time to time trying to get a better look. I could see where the plains used to be and the whole area was a giant hole. I was hoping this girl knew what she was doing.

When we got out of the trees and shrubs, we saw Beaw and her donkey going around the huge hole towards some buildings not far off of the other side. I was about to scream her name, but I figured I wouldn't risk the noise. "Greg go and get her attention. I'll be there in a minute."

The creature took off and I stayed on the stallion's back to help guide him around the destruction. While looking up for a few seconds, I saw Greg in front of Beaw and her donkey and she looked back to wave at me, "Hey," she called out, "You came after all!"

"No Beaw! You need to come back! It's not-" I was about midway in my sentence and an arrow whipped by Beaw and struck a tree that filled the small gap in-between us. The stallion reared up on his back legs and I tried to calm him while I saw Beaw reach around her potion filled belt. She grabbed two potions, one she tossed at me and one beneath the donkey. In a split second they were invisible. "Good thinking." I muttered. It was hard to move the stallion back so we could leave, but that came to the least of my attention when Beaw's potion wore off. I glanced over near the village and saw another arrow shoot from it. "Beaw look out!"

Beaw shrieked and the donkey skidded down the rocky slope that headed into the huge ditch under us. Greg flew down after the two and I launched myself from the stallion and started to skid down the rocky side. "Beaw. Oh my god.", I got to her and she was laying on her side. The donkey was shaken, but he looked fine besides of a few scratches. I knelled down next to Beaw and turned her onto her back to see her right arm badly wounded; she had some cuts and new bruises. I could tell the sun was setting because when I was expecting Beaw's arm, three shadows appeared over the top edge of the hole. I sighed, got up, then turned around to see three men. One holds a bow with an arrow pointing at the two of us and wears a checkered jacket. Another holds a sword, an iron sword, and fur covers his whole body. The last, he wears a golden helmet, I'm guessing some sort of crown, his arms are crossed, and a diamond sword is on his back. His eyes narrow towards me and he slightly opens his mouth. "State your business."

I balled up my fists and my mouthed formed into a sneer, "I'm here to kick your asses." I reached my hand back to draw my iron sword, but the archer drew his arrow back further and moved in closer. "We'll take in you and your friend. As captives. Jerome, Mitch, help them," the leader ordered and the two others came down the slope. The one covered in fur, Jerome it seemed, took the lead from my friend's donkey, and grasped my arm. His nails tightly held on while the other, Mitch, picked up Beaw. The leader watched as we were both lead over the smaller hill in front of the top of the villages, though the villages were only part of what appeared. Over that small lump, was a whole kingdom and castle, and we just ticked them all off.

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