the last day of normal. ever.

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                                                                              chapter .2

                                                                 the last day of normal. ever.

i have known for days that we would have to leave my home. but we still have to stay as long as we can. last night was risky enough. so we are gonna have to head out. i hear screaming in the distance. i know who it is, but i cant put my finger on it. there's more now. so many. dozens. hundreds. thousands.i need to get to them. i need to help them.  but first things first, i have to wake up. wake up.

"Wake up!" Ashley screams at me, waking me and our other roommates up, but the way most of us sleep, i don't think they care much.

i was having that dream again wasn't i ?

she doesn't have to nod. i would have known either way. its been the same way for months. but I'm use to it by now. all most everyone has nightmares now.( in fact, I'm pretty sure i only know one person who doesn't. her name is Lizzy, but  we will talk about her later. ) it was a regularish day, as normal as it ever gets around here at least, going thru a typical day here. which i suppose is a good time to describe "here". We live in my now ex-school. my middle school as of 6 months ago actually, and generally everyone i need is looks almost exactly the same actually, we just have sun proof curtains, and boarded up doors.....  and the classes are like dorm rooms/ buildings. ive never really been in most of them, but i can describe mine at least, and my roommates while i'm at it. its actually my old science room, but i had to have this one, i always loved science. our room has five people living in it now. originally their was just me, Laura, Ashley, and Sophie. were all about 13 (except Sophie, who's only 11) but than we found Lizzy. OK fine, until i brought Lizzy back here.

you see, i was out scouring the town for supplieswith ethan, hes one of my best Friends here and I've known him since before this all started, as usual. until we heard something move in the woods. wepons drawn, we moved forward. and then, out ran a ladie, maybe 30 years old, running away from who knows what. she saw us and screamed. she almost ran, but then she saw we were still.. people. she ran over to us and fell to her knees.  

Please! please take her! come! come with me and ill give her to you, i dont have much time! she screams at us, grabing my arm, and i dont have much choice but to follow her. ( well considering i was holding a knife i had plenty of choices, but even here their elegal.) we walked for what seemed like forever until coming along this small barn in what uset to be a farm. she screamed, '' lizzy! lizzy come out!" at the top of her lungs, giving us maybe five minutes until a mob of zombies came at us. he didn't seem to care. ''Mommy!" a little girl came out from the top floor of the barn. she stops short when she see's us. "who are they?'' she looks at her mom. well.." these nice people are gonna take you lizzy." she says this as if its nothing, and the rest of us are just looking at her like- ok that would have been nice to know 5 minutes ago!!!! "no! mommy i dont wanna leave!" she runs and burys herself in her moms shirt." no mommy i dont wanna go! " she screams again. but then i notice the bite mark on her arm. now i dont have to ask. i dont  want to either. i dont think lizzy understands. she dosent know. but then she see's them to. i expect her to cry. or scream. but she dosent. she seems to understand. shes trying not to cry in front of us. only then do i realise this is weird. she turns to me.( completely ignoring ethan by the way, looking back i guess thats kinda funny, considering that he tried to help and was talking to her mom about our base) "my name is elizabeth johnson. i am 6 years old. my birthday is october 27, 2006. and you are my new..." she has to basiclly choke it out, ''mom". i just stare at her. she just sighs. she grabs my hand." come on. " she walkes over to ethan, pulls him away, and says goodbye to her mom. then walkes away. i have no choice AGAIN but to follow. after a few minutes, i realize ive started leading. i mean duh, i know where base is. but im just in shock.

so i guess thats her story. shes allmost seven now. she calls me mom without the old scorn. shes family to me. shes even nice to ethan now. shes nice to everyone if you can get her to trust her. with everything we go thru, you would think that would be easy. and you would be DEAD wrong. and( i speak with experiance here) the zombies are NOT your biggest problem. i probably spend more time keeping them calm the shooting, and considering shooting is almost all i like to do, thats saying something.

allright, end backstory. ive got scavengering to do today. i havent been out in days so im almost exited, which is kinda sad.... but ive gotta go.

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