Chapter 4. im gonna scream now.

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     i finally get to his office. i knock twice, wait exactl 2 seconds, and open the door. a drunken "what do you want?" comes from behind his desk. he stands up from his sea of beer cans (which we still havent run out of, though since he drinks about 20 cans a day... i have no clue how.) "you called me down here moron." i reply in a calm voice. im getting used to his crap anyway. "why the helll did i call YOU down here! i dont even likke yuo!" he screams and throws an empty beer can at me. it goes all of two feet. (empty, obviously wont go far) "hey dad " i respond sweatly. "i love your shirt. pink is the new black dont you know!" im saying this and not trying to lagh at him, and trying not to puke at his grossness, untill he throws more beer at me. "you bastard you dyed them this way!!" he screams at me. i dicide ill go inacent today. thats allways, i yhink ill go for the helpful daughter today. my favorite. (obviously i do this a lot, but hes allways drunk, so i dont really care. its funny. even more so now that we have cameras in here :P )  "but daddy!" i say almost crying-" everyones wearing pink now, and your so busy and  i figured youd want it that way, so i did it for you!" i start fake crying. "awww honey its okay, i misunderstood. here have a beer." he hands one to me and leads me out. i go out the door and hand it to his assistant,who basiclly runs this place, and ide say does a good time doing so." hey carol-want a beer?" i ask, and she laughs. she takes out he clipboard and goes to the back" thats 34 you, dad... 1." we laugh some more. this is our own private joke, and ill be sad not to tell ethan about it.... oh right. hes mad. "hows the fight going?" i ask. she sighs. not well. none yet, but were close on two. give them my apologies would you?" she laghs. "i dont think they care. everyone has momentkatrina. yours has been saving up. no one is mad at you." "tell that to ethan-im gonna go to my room now." she sighs. "allright, have fun then." she goes back to her all importantness.

i turn the corner and hear- "what should she tell me?" and ethan comes out from the corner. "ethan!" "oh damn what did i do now" he groans. i laugh. "ur not mad?" i ask, kinda worried to hear the anser "nah, you?" "nope" "good. hey why arent you out the-oh right. sorry." "u mind if i ask the same thing?" he pulls up the red bracelet on his arm that matches my own "im stuck here too. same with pim." "are you mad at him?" i ask, even though i kinda know the answer. "allways- hey you wanna go mess with him?" i laugh. "why not? what do you wanna do this time?" obviously we mess with a lot of people, childish i know, but were stuck here often. usually ethan does something and then i feel bad. its fun though. "not sure, lets go get lunch and think of something." "oh... i cant" i remember i told ash we would have a girl day thing. fun. "stuck with girl stuff again?" he asks. i just sigh "have fun with gonna go to the park." i would say hes not supposed to leave, but he dosent care. "see you." i say over my shoulder as i head up to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2012 ⏰

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