yes, pim is a boys name

138 6 1
  • Dedicado a suckatude

                                                                           Chapter 3

tight clothes-check


bow and arrows-check

arrows- check ( you only forget those once, trust me)


so I'm good. wippe. off we go.

so me and Ethan are on today to scope out the next block or two. that's the best part of being high ranking here, i can choose who has to go with who on missiony things. so we scope out a couple of houses before we hear really loud- "HELP" well of course we go see whats up. in the back of an alley there's a boy with 6 zombies coming in after him. "what do you think?" Ethan asks. "well we have to try." he smiles. "i know, i just wanted to see how long it would take for you to respond" i laugh. of course. like helping is a question. "i bet i'll get more than you!" Ethan says as we run down the hill. "as if!" i scream as i run past him onto the gate top and run across it. he just stares at me. "what the-" "i been practicing"  i say over my shoulder.

i take out three with my bow before i jump down in front of the boy. he seems to be older than i thought, hes taller than me, but i haven't really looked at him yet. i shoot down three more(i only missed once, BTW which i think isn't bad considering Ive only been doing this a few months) before he says "katrina?!?" i stop mid shot. i know that voice. from back when school was still in. i turn around to look at him. of course its pim. hes not here yet. then it hits me "your not dead?!?!" its 6 months into this chaos, most people not in groups are gone by now, and i considered him gone months ago. well OK, i still had hopes. i just stare at him. until a hand touches me and i look up to see the zombie i had forgotten about. zombie training or not, i screamed. loud. which didn't have much purpose, considering Ethan had thrown a knife that cut its head right off and into the wall. katrina are you OK?!!?" Ethan screams at me. "i-I'm fine i choke out. "what happen- oh." he looks  behind me. "well that makes sense. " he sighs. "hey pim. next time you try to get killed, try not to get katrina killed too alright? he snaps at him. "Ethan!" i yell at him. "come on crystal." he grabs my arm and try's to drag me away. "what about pim?" i ask, still dumbfounded by the close call with the zombie. "oh right." he says kinda sad looking. "good luck?" he asks me hopefully . "Ethan!" "fine, com on then pim."

we get back to base and pim goes to get checked out by our nurse.(no not the school nurse, shes nice but all she does is give ice and bandages. oh and dont forget the cough drops! ours is actually helpful) and me and Ethan go to the cafeteria to get sodas, as all ways. "nice throw by the way" i say, which is all either of us has said since finding pim, which is soooo not like him. he just nods. " OK- whats up?" i ask. "its nothing." I'm not gonna press for it. hes probably just thinking of her again. i would love to tell u who she is, or what she was, but hes never told me. after a few minutes he seems a little better. "by the way, how did you run up there?" he asks. "its really not that hard. ive been practicing with the balance beam from the gym" "well it was awesome" he responds. we talk about nothing for about half an hour until i have to go pick up pim. "well bye Ethan.." i say, sad to leave. "are you sure you dont want me to come ?" he asks. i shake my head no. he sighs again." thought not. good night then. he goes upstairs to his room. and then i go to show prim around.

 I headed down to the nurses office and picked him up. "this place is pretty cool. a lot more exiting than a few months ago" he says. i nod, because its true, we really have done well with the place. the walls are covered in artwork, everything joyful we remember. there's family portraits, Disney land, birthdays, or just little things like fishing trips."you would think seeing those things would be depressing , but it just reminds us who we are. what we will be again. what we are all fighting for.  " i say. I'm not sure where that came from (or how the hell i spelled a whole sentence right in one shot, i feel so bad for my overworked spell check. he really needs a raise!) then i gave him the grand tour of the ground floor, nurses office first of course, then just around to the various ex- classrooms now ranges for guns ,archery (my personal fave.), etc. the cafeteria,  which really looks just about the same, just a cafeteria with food that doesn't suck (shocker right?) and then we head upstairs. other than the library and computer lab, which is only available 2 hours a day for energy conservation, and the nursery, its just rooms up there. "which brings us a problem" i say after finishing. " you don't have any free rooms?" he asks. well we do, but not for guys. surprisingly there are about 5 times more guys than girls... so we only have five guys rooms, and four are full. Ethan, Brandon, and... dam what was his name... no.... no.... you know what he didn't say anything so i really don't give a crap. ill remember eventually. i  knock, which Ive done a billion times ( oh come on do NOT go perverted on me now, we have most classes together. perv! ) Brandon answers. "oh hi crystal. hey pim. ETHAN!" i smile. why else do i come really? at least that's normal. nothing seems to be today. he comes to the door. he looks happy now. "hey katrina have you seen what they found downt- oh." he looks at pim. "your here too.... fun."  "yea about that.. could he stay with you guys? you know that the other rooms are full...."  i say, not knowing what would come next. "yea sure... why not?" he turns to pim. "do you have any weird diseases?" pim, kinda panicky nods his head no. "then you can stay. if you want. you know you could still leave...." "Ethan!"  he puts his hands up " kidding! i was kidding jeez !" i laugh." so come in pim, Brandon will show you the ropes." pim walks in the room. good luck. a group of five guys in their teens and a newbie none of them like. i bet you know where that's going. i personally can't wait to find out.

        we go downstairs for dinner. well everyone does. my mom comes and tries to comb my hair. i run away. god must she allways do that? geez. so down the ladders we go. oh yea you guys dont know about those! right. you cant see in my brain. that would be creapy. so about the ladders. simple as this, zombies cant climb ladders. duh. they walk. they eat. they move on. they live (die?) exiting lives.(afterlives?) geez zombies hurt my brain. omg that was a relly bad pun. ok continuing on with my life-

lots of people come down today. turns out, the thing they found downtown was a pizza place, still with lots of pizzas in the back. their all just frozen store bought ones. the price was 22.00 per pie origanaly. someone shot out the first 2 in the sighn. in my opinion, that is a great use of a bullet.

so we all get pizza. kids first, then old, then just people aged people. ( what, did you think we were only kids? that would be weird. a hundred ninth graders running the place. we would all be dead in five minutes.) it was amazing! one of the best meals we had eatin in weeks. ok, the best. but i love pizza, so some might have been pizza. (geez whats with the sidestorying? im gonna get back on topic now. adhd + writing is not an easy thing to do.)

"so ethan, what were you sayying you had to tell me?" i ask, eatin away at my pizza. "its about pim. i dont think he should stay here." i put my pizza down. " why not?" "well... .um..uh... " he rambles on." thought so. " "i just dont think this will help yo- i mean, them." you. he meant you. " why does that madder ?"i ask. he dosent even have to ask me, he dosent have to lie. i know him better than them. than almost anyone here. he knows i like pim. i allways have. i never actually told him, but we hung out a lot, and i guess its pretty obvious. " you are the best here. we cant spare anyone good anymore. hes distracting you." i stare at him. i cough out-" is that all i am? all ill ever be? another one against ther millions, growing by the second? cant i be happy?.............. is that alli really am?" i repeat. hes really pale now. " crystal you know thats not what i mean..."

im not sure what he would have said next. i ran. i ran right out the main doors. thru the next three blocks. i justran into some house. i just sat their and cried. i didnt even know why. i knew i should have gone back. i knew it. it was dangerous, just plan stupid to stay there. but at that moment, the bed of some girl in the middle of some house was where i felt the safest. after an hour or two, i got up. i went to the bathroom. washed my face. i didnt even hear them coming. i turned around, and their must have been a hundred of them. i screamed. i thought for sure i was a gonner. i did what was expected. backed up aganst the wall as they closed in.

...and fell out the window. don't even ask me how. i have no friggin clue. none. i hadent even seen the window. but i lack so much coordination without practicing the most mundain tasks, i fell out of my death. now THAT takes skil. i crash right into pim.

"pim what are you doing out here!" i screach. their trying to make it out the window now. more are coming out the door. " i came to find you. arent you glad i did?" he smiles. just then ethan turns a corner. "there you are pim! you were supposed to stay over in- oh" i wave, still on the ground." there you are." he seemed...whats the word..... oh yea. pissed. "you seriously though this would help!" he screams at me. i just stare. "you could have gotten killed! you could have-" he stops short. he looks at me. i remember i had been crying, and try to look like i hadnt. "pim-go tell them we found her. and to get ready for an attack. " he yells at pim. "no man sorry, i cant do that." he shakes his head "and why not?" ethan asks even madder now. "i think shes better of with them"- he points to the zombies-"than you right now. " the anger grains from his face. now hes just pitiful looking. " i'll - i'll be right back. " he runs of. "well that was interesting." pim says. "come on, we have to get back." he stands up. i try to, and let out a cry. "are you allright?" he asks, shocked. "i-i think its sprained. i dont think i can make it back," i say, trying not to start crying again. but not from the pain. im almost used to pain by now. im scared. scared ill get stuck out here. "nonsence he says, hoisting me up. we walk (ok, he walked, i kinda hopped ) back. its a meracle they didnt get us. but most of them were still trying to go out the window, only a few had got pushed out the door. we made it back, but barely. one moron tried to shoot me, thinking i was a zombie." tieme! " i scream at him. he pales. (japanese is a requerment here. we have a class every friday its an nerd paradise too, lucky for me.) he would have got me to. but a knife came out from the corner of the building, and shoved it out of his hand, putting the bullet into a tree. i look to where its from, and only see a shodow move behind the wall. but thats the least of my worrys right now.

The Zombie Diary (thats not really a diary )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora