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Hello! Note from adult Kirsten looking back at her old stories from middle school. I wrote this at a time where I romanticized depression and I thought someone would come find me and save me if I drowned myself in it, just like in the stories. I wrote and read these types of stories to cope, and I'm sure a lot of you do too. I've grown a lot since then. Take it from me: YOU can save yourself. You can be okay again. I know it because things weren't okay for a long time but I'm so glad I stuck around to see the things that were.

It gets better. Suicide is never the only option left. Keep that in mind as you read this story. Love you guys :)



"I hate you, Perseus Jackson!"

That's how I knew she was mad. Annabeth never uses my full name unless she's seriously mad. But those words, they hurt more than a dagger through my Achilles' spot.

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