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"Lance! Its 7:30, did you set your alarm!?"
"CRAP!" I scurried around my room looking for my uniform.
She walked down to the wash room and picked it up. It was all soaking wet, and there was absolutely no time to put it in the dryer. I could either A. Stay home or B. Not go on the bus and run to school so it air dries.
I went with plan B.
"Crap this uniform is so cold"
I grabbed my lunch and ran like the flash all the way to school. By the time I got there, my uniform was at least half way dry.
"Made it just in time for homeroom"
Walking to the class room felt like forever. I walk through the entrance, turn left, keep walking straight, turn left again, walk up two flights of stairs, turn right, keep walking straight, and there it is.
Before I went in, I saw the little rude girl from the bus. She was all alone in the classroom right across from mine.
"Hey shouldn't you be in class?"
"Don't feel like going."
"Ugh your such a drag. Get your butt up and go to homeroom!"
She turned her head and stared. I can't believe she wasn't afraid of me. Girls usually run at the sight of my eyes.
She just stared and stared and stared. I didn't know what to do. Maybe she was a hypnotist or something like that.
"Maybe you need to keep your mouth shut and stop telling me what to do"
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?" That's it I had enough of this girl.
I ran over with my fist ready to punch. I swung at her shoulder but she grabbed my fist and did some Kung fu magic.
I used my leg to swing at her feet to trip her. I hit her leg. "HAHA NAILED IT!"
She did a fricken back flip.
"Stop playing around boy. Like u said, get to homeroom."
"hey! You got a name?"
"They call me fox. But you'll just have to figure out my real name. See ya."
"What a drag"

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