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"Morning tiger"
She looked at me and rolled her eyes, totally ignoring the fact that I saved her ass yesterday. Well more like she saved mine but SHES STILL IGNORING IT!
"Tiger is everything okay? Your acting a bit strange."
"Do you ever shut up stupid snake eyes!"
"I have a name you know!"
"Ya me too and I don't see you calling me by my real name."
"Ha your right. Well see you later."
She turned around and her hair hit my face. Her hair seemed really greasy and it smelled. I shrugged my shoulders and turned around only to find my crush standing behind me.
"Hey Lance what are you doing?"
"Oh h-hi Sheri I'm just standing in the hall way."
Great going Lance.
There was awkward silence but she just broke that.
"Want to come with me to the coffee shop after school?"
My face lit up and I was pretty sure I was blushing so I covered my face with my left hand.
She laughed.
"Ya I can go."
"Great!" And she walked away.
"Aww looks like snake eyes here has a crush."
I jerked my head around and saw tiger behind me.
"Ya I forgot my book at my locker and your standing right in front of it."
I wouldn't budge because of how embarrassed I was and she slapped my face to snap me out of it.
"What the hell was that for!?" I said as I put my cold hand to my cheek.
"Move it or I'll be late." She said with a devilish look in her eye.
"So this is the thanks I get for saving you last night?"
She looked at me in confusion
"Saving me? When was this?"
"Your kidding me right??"
She put her finger to her chin trying to remember.
"Ya know what forget about it" I said as I put my hand on her head. "Just get to class" I patted her tiny little head and she stepped on my foot.
She walked away with that angry expression that she always has but this time I didn't care.
When she left my sight, I realized that my foot was in a LOT OF PAIN!!
"Son of a b**ch that hurt!!!"
The bell rang and I hobbled my way down to first period.
"Late again mr Lance."
"Sorry I was caught up in something."
"You use that excuse every time. Detention for half hour."
I said in my head as I stomped to my desk.
"Mr Lance if you are going to act like a child why don't you go sit with the pre k. I'm sure they would love having a new student in their class."
Everyone started laughing. I put my book bag down and sat on the chair.
Sheri sat right next to me.
"Mr browning is in a sour mood today don't mind him."
"Isn't he in a sour mood everyday. It's starting to become his norm."
She laughed even though I wasn't kidding. 
And so the day went on. After mr brownings class my mood actually went from bad to semi better.
But then...

Picture at the top is Lance!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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