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"Damn that tiger girl, what's her problem with me? What did I do?"
I was on my way home and then I heard a familiar voice.
"HEY LANCE" issac called out.
"Issac where have you been? I haven't seen you in a week."
"Suspension remember?"
"Your a dumbass you know that? You need to stop getting Into fights or you won't be getting into college"
"Ya ya I know"
"Okay so-"
"Did you hear that?"
"I can't hear anything."
"Ya that's cause your talking! Now shush and follow me."
"Lance I'm tired can I just g-"
"Issac just come on"
We walked a block or two until we reached what we were hearing. I turned my head and I saw that it was that tiger girl. She was singing in the middle of the street. She had a nice voice.
"Weirdo" I said as I smiled.
"Uh Lance look."
I turned my head again.
"Hey little lady" this douche bag bro said. "No no keel singing darling."
"Who you calling darling you creepy ass pedo"
"Ah so you know a little potty language? That's  no no"
"Look guy just get on out of here before I start getting angry"
"Only if you apologize little lady"
"Apologize for what exactly? Okay I'm sorry that your a creepy ass pedo that can't leave me the fuck alone"
He grabbed her by the arm.
She used her legs to grab him by the neck and bring him down to the floor.
The guy grabbed her neck and started shaking her head back and forth, then he smashed her head on the ground and started chocking her.
She kicked him in the stomach and he was pushed back off of her.
I had to step in.
"Issac go home and report this guy to the cops, cause I don't know if I'll be able to beat him."
He ran home immediately.
"THATS IT" I screamed.
I made a fist and ran over to the guy as he was getting up.
He had fast reflexes. He grabbed my fist are started twisting it. I screamed.
He kicked my leg and I fell to the ground. Then he took me by my ear and told me to get lost.
"LANCE LETS GO!" Tiger screamed.
I couldn't beat this guy. I ran to tiger and grabbed her hand and ran as far away as possible.
We found a bench and I told her to stay there while I ran into the store to get some ice.
"No" she said."just sit here. I'm okay are you?"
"Yes I'm fine I'm just worried about you"
"Don't worry about me. Hey Lance?"
"Did you hear me uh singing"
I didn't want to lie to her and I wanted to tell her how beautiful her voice was.
"Yes I heard it"
Her face turned as red as a tomato. It was so adorable.
She got up and tried walking away since she was so embarrassed.
I grabbed her hand.
"Uh Lance what are you doing"
"Let's just sit here together for a while..."
Tiger didn't really have a choice, I did the puppy eyes till she agreed.
She sat herself really close to me, and my heart started beating out of my chest.
"Thanks Lance for what you did back there, your a real dummy though! You couldn't put up a fight!?"
"EXCUSE ME? at least I wasn't a chicken!"
"Think what you want snake eyes"
"Will do, tiger breath."
We bursted out laughing. Strange night

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