The Price of Desire

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Icadora listened as Aeralie explained everything that had happened and Aeralie avoided eye contact with her and cringed at the knowledge that the currents that were started to spin faster and faster beyond the greenhouse were caused from Icadora's mood and that mood was caused by her.

She was making an awful first impression on her aunt seeing as she hadn't met the woman... well, ever, in her memory at least.

Icadora got up at the end of the story and moved to one of the windows, folding her arms, her hair flaring out around her, anger rippling from her.

"I knew something like this would happen one day," she hissed, nails digging into her arm, "I knew something would go wrong if he continued to indulge your ridiculous fantasies. I wish he had outgrown you."

Aeralie opened her mouth, shocked and instantly outraged to hear such a thing, only to stop. Partly because, yes, it was true, her hobby had got them into this mess.

But also, hadn't her father said much the same thing just that morning about Kazimir? Hadn't he heard such things most of his life?

She looked away, her hands curling up, nails digging into palms.

It hurt to hear that someone was expected to outgrow you, like a toy. Like a thing.

"You think he was taken to the palace at the shore?"

Icadora's voice snapped her attention back and she looked up to see her aunt looking at her.

"I do," she said quickly, "The men who took him; they were wearing the clothing worn by those who serve the prince. Where else would they take him?"

Icadora rested a finger to her chin, looking down, thinking, looking out of the window again.

"You may go home," she then said, "I shall handle this."

"What?" Aeralie said, startled, "What, no!"

Icadora stared at her.

"I caused this mess; I'm going to fix it!" Aeralie said, getting up.

"You caused this mess and you'll mess up further if you're allowed up there to wreak havoc," Icadora snapped, turning on her.

"I will not! You have to let me go! I can make everything right!"

"You?" Icadora laughed, the sound making Aeralie cringe with humiliation. "You honestly think you can navigate Above?"

"Of course! I've spent years watching them!"

"How do you take tea?"

The question threw her and Aeralie stared at her. "What?"

"How do you take tea? What do you do with it?"

"Tea?" Aeralie copied, the word strange on her tongue, "I don't know what it is."

"What do you do with a bath?"

"A what?"

"What is a book for?"

"Uh— reading?"

"A carriage?"

"I don't know what that is."

"Where do eggs come from? What is a top hat? What is sugar? Do you know what the navy is? What about the army? What do you say to the person you wish to spend the rest of your life with?"

More and more and more.

Icadora kept asking her questions with words she had never heard before.

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