Sign Language

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Kazimir shot Aeralie three hand gestures then followed a young man out of the sunroom room, Perry hurrying after him, looking back to see a single gesture from Aeralie before she turned to Dotty who was saying something to her about taking a slow turn around the garden. 

Kazimir was shown to his own rooms that were close to Aeralie's, two male servants bowing as he entered, a set of clothes already laid out for him. Kazimir looked at them for a moment, then looked at the servants.

"I would like to change alone. Would you get me the items I'll need to send a message to my home country, please?"

The servants bowed and walked out and Kazimir shrugged off his torn up jacket and threw his shirt on the bed, picking up the fresh one.

"What are those?"

Kazimir glanced back at Perry who hadn't left. "What?"

"Those hand gestures you two keep making," Perry said, "Are you two thinking something that I can't hear? Or are you just motioning junk at each other so everyone thinks you're really a translator?"

"What, no," Kazimir said, frowning at him. "It's a sign language. We have a lot of ways of communicating with each other."

"You have a secret language?"

"It's no more secret than any other language," Kazimir replied, shrugging the shirt on, "You just need to take the time to learn it."

His fingers paused as he began to button the shirt and he was quiet for a moment, looking down at the buttons.

"Well, it was started as a secret language, so I suppose it is."

"Why would you need a secret language?"

"Because my family hates me."

"What? Seriously? Why?"

Kazimir looked over his shoulder at Perry, frowning at him. "Hello, my name is Kazimir."

Perry looked blankly at him. "Huh?"

"We weren't even properly introduced to each other and you want to start digging into the personal stuff of my life? No."

Perry pursed his lips and looked away as Kazimir changed his trousers and boots, sitting on the bed to lace them up.

"Can I learn it?"

"The sign language?" Kazimir asked without looking up. He shrugged. "You can, if you want. I don't know why you would want to though. You can speak to Aeralie without any hindrance, unlike everyone else." He straightened, setting his hands on the bed and leaning back, looking at Perry. "Also, I won't teach you."

"What? How will I learn then?"

"Ask Aeralie. But don't get in the way of what she has to do while she's here. We won't stay here long, understand?"

Perry glanced away then down at the floor. "Understood," he muttered.

The servants returned soon after and Perry left. Glancing at one of the clocks as he passed, he noted that he was still well within the hour the captain had set for him so he made his way back to the sunroom on the off chance Aeralie was still there.

As it turned out, she was, but – to his disappointment – she wasn't alone. Princess Cynthia was with her again.

She smiled at Perry when he walked in and gestured to the empty seat at their table.

"Are you joining us?" she asked.

"Um... if I may?"

"Of course," Cynthia said, her smile brightening. Perry couldn't help but smile in return. "Did you notice all those hand gestures Aeralie and her aide were making?" Cynthia continued as Perry took a seat, "Well it turns out it's a sign language. As in they can communicate with their hands, isn't that ingenious?"

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