Eyes on the Prize

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"What's up, Pretty Perry, you look sadder than a sardine who just realised he was caught in a net?"

Perry blinked and looked around as Dray Mord, the ship's doctor, took a seat beside him and a huge swig of beer from his tankard.

"I'm not sad," Perry said, bristling at the notion.

"And I'm not drunk enough to miss the pouty mouth and distracted gaze out of the window," Dray said, "You've sighed about six times in the last fifteen minutes and haven't played a single hand of cards. My medical deduction concludes that you're as heartsick as an untouched lass. Exhibit A."

He pointed across the room to where Cole leant against the wall, his arms draped low on the back of one of the barmaids who wasn't do anything to earn her wages and was staring up at him like she'd just met Adonis, giggling away as he ran a hand through her hair and muttered something low in her ear.

"I do not look like that!" Perry cried, outraged by the notion of being compared to one of Cole's successes.

"Sure, sure," Dray said, taking another drink and pulling a notebook from his pocket.

Perry pursed his lips, eyes narrowed on his captain who slid a slow hand up the waist of the barmaid and she pushed in against him.

"How does he do it?" Perry asked.

"What?" Dray asked, looking up from the medical journal he kept on all the crew, scrawling 'Puppy Love' on Perry's page.

"That," Perry said, nodding at Cole, "What's so special about him?"

Dray looked over to their captain. "He has no shame?" he suggested, looking back.

Perry snorted and looked away again, dumping his chin in the palm of his hand.

Dray couldn't help smiling at the younger man, the baby of the crew who didn't notice when he was in an utter sulk.

"He's not that amazing. Why does he find it so easy to catch the girls?"

"Alright, who's the pretty lady who's caught your eye?" Dray asked with a dramatic sigh, snapping his book shut.

"No one," Perry said, lying through his teeth.

"Uh huh, sure. Well, I suppose that's good seeing as I thought it was against the rules for you to get involved with us, ur, humans," Dray said, raising an eyebrow at Perry.

Perry glanced at him. "That's not something you should be saying in public," he muttered.

Dray shrugged. "Who's listening at twelve at night in a pub? Half this lot have been drunk since the workday ended. The rest caught up around nine."

Perry bit his lip, his foot tapping the floor as he watched Cole.

"Say I did like a girl," he said; Dray looking back at him, "Should I really approach her like Cole approaches people?"

"Cole doesn't approach people," Dray said, "Cole demands their attention and they give it to him before they realise it. People don't argue with Cole, they just do as he says, so no, I wouldn't approach your lady like Cole."

Perry rolled his eyes at the annoyingly accurate description of the captain.

He wants a girl? He calls her over.

He wants a man? He snaps his fingers.

He wants a ship full of riches? He strides on board and charms the opposing captain into surrender – or he shows off exactly why he'd earned the title of pirate, despite what Kazimir thought of him.

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