Chapter 3

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Cathy hurried down the street bobbing through the crowd. Looking over her shoulder for the last time, she heaved a sigh.

Moving forward, the town square was filled with people churning about like a thick soup on boil. Cathy hesitated. Diving in, she shoved left and right trying to make a path for herself toward the stage in the middle of the square. They jostled her roughly back and forth. Someone - a dwarf- knocked her down. Cathy yelped falling hard on her knees and scraping her palms. The throng of people closed in around her, tightening. Something dark -primal- stirred within her chest as her breath quickened and sweat beaded her forehead. She felt the crowd pummel her as if from far away as her vision narrowed, tinting dark red. Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up. A smile of relief from Eli with a steady hand on her back broke her panicked state. Gaping, she lunged up to hug him, shaking.

Eli was nearly as tall as an E'dön's twisting branches, slicing a pathway through the cycling bodies around them. Cathy clung to his side struggling to bring herself under control.

Reaching the base of the stage, he pulled the curtain back and urged her to enter the cavity. She slid in the tight space turning to see Eli fold his lanky frame through. He sighed and plopped down on some of the spare equipment.

"You ok?"

Cathy nodded tucking a loose stand of hair bring her ear and squatted. " Yeah. I wanted to see you."

Eli's blue eyes twinkled and gave her a lopsided grin. " Good thing I was around, then."

They sat there for a moment refusing to meet each other's eyes but unwilling to break the silence.

Cathy bit her lip. " Well, I guess you won't be around for me much longer." She finally said.

"Are you kidding me? That's what you say to me right now?" Eli huffed and stared hard at her. " Do you have any idea how you sound? How selfish?" He shook his head, stirring her anger.

"Selfish! Is it selfish that I wanted you to wait? Is it selfish that I wanted to be with you?"

His eyes softened. "Cathy..."

"Don't 'Cathy' me, Elijah." She shot up from her seat on the floor and bashed her head on a wooden beam.

"Son of a Dirk!"

Eli barked out a laugh and leaned forward. " Let's just cool ourselves. It's not like I have all the time in the world anymore."

She looked away and rubbed her head. "I know. Sorry." She crossed her arms and sat closer to him. "I'm still upset, for the record."

Eli smiled. "Noted."

It had been a while since they had last seen each other, nearly two years. Eli was one of the very few that had strong yet untapped magic. When it was discovered, his mother nearly had a heart attack and for good reason. He had made the wooden spoon she came after him with, implode. With his mind.

After that it was a whirlwind of tests after tests after more tests until finally an offer from His Majesty's Military came. For his life they would train him. Cathy remembered Eli already being tall for his age, out running her to the house with the letter in hand. An official government document of optional enlistment.

And now after a year of training and another year of going through the Journey of Discovery, he was back to claim the Rite. It was where you would declare your station in life. Where he will note vow to be a dog of the military, or rather a battle mage.

Cathy swallowed her tears. He could never marry another 'normal' person. And any children he may have would belong to the government. He was going to sign his life away. His freedom. And what made her so-so angry was that he was ok with it.

Sitting there just chatting casually was almost too much for her but she endured. Just for the sake of seeing him one last time before he was whisked away.

Finally, she stood and wiped her pants. " I gotta go."

He chuckled. " Your parents still that stricked, I'm guessing."

Cathy rolled her eyes and smiled. " Even more so now, if you can believe it." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. " 21 cycles and ten o'clock curfew still and going out by myself must be reported or monitored." She moved toward the curtain. " You have no idea."

Eli stood, his blonde hair catching the sunlight that streamed down through the planks of the stage to play with his platinum highlights. Gods above, she couldn't do this.

Um, see you at the Rite," she said quickly and darted out before he had a chance to say anything else.

Cathy blinked against the setting sun as she immerged and gave a half wave to the working stage hands. The crowds had thinned and were being ushered away from the stage as they placed up barriers around it. She broke into a jog as she heard rustling behind her.

"Cathy, wait! Please."

Tears watered her vision as she ran faster. She jumped over a crate and darted into an alley when a familiar voice called out. "Cathy?"

She skid to a stop dust billowing around her and wiped her nose while looking around. Her eyes alighted on the odd gentleman from the charm shop. Cathy quickly wiped her eyes. "What do you want?" She sniped.

The sun finally dipped behind the buildings as the man removed his broad rimmed hat and tucked it under his arm. His long white hair gleamed in the waning red light as he bowed low to her. " Please forgive me, I overheard your name being called out." He said straighting. Cathy narrowed her eyes but held her ground. The man stepped forward and removed his scarf, eyebrows pinched in worry as Cathy gasped. A Carpathian. His over dressed appearance suddenly made sense. The white hair, albino skin, red eyes, and lilting accent, all the pieces fell in place.

"Don't be alarmed. My name is E'dyn." He urged as he slowly moved closer. Cathy didn't budge but every sense was tuned to flight. "What do you want?"

"Your map."


He motioned to her neck and she reached up to touch the odd talisman. "There is a map etched into that scale. I was there to buy it from the shopkeeper. I need it."

Cathy shook her head and glanced around. Eli didn't follow her and there was no one around. Didn't anyone else see the  Carpathian follow her?

She swallowed. "No, it's mine fair and square. Even you have to honor that."

E'dyn bowed his head in shame. " I am truely sorry that my people have fostered a terrible image for themselves and I do hope to rectify that."

Cathy paused studying the creature before her. Carpathians were notorious for preying on the weak and ripping their energy from them, if you believe the news. Leaving the poor victims to rot in back alleys just like this one. Yet they were always honor bound to their word. Meaning, if worded right, they can't lie and can't break a promise. She tightened her hold on her charm. All he wanted was the talisman, something that her parents would berate her for having anyway.

" Promise that all you want from me is my necklace. Nothing more." She demanded with false bravado.

The Carpathian tilted his head in a cat-like way. "If you are trying to lock me in a vow, I cannot promise to lock away my emotions or basic instincts, that is akin to enslavement."

Cathy opened her mouth to speak but E'dyn stopped her with a raised hand. "However, I can promise that I will never knowingly cause you harm." He held out his hand. " Do we have an accord...Cathy?"

Cathy removed her necklace and slapped it into his palm. "My name to you will be Catherine Everstar and I claim your vow, E'dyn-?"

"- Carpathia." Cathy paused. Carpathia was a very common surname.

He wrapped her hand in both of his. A jolt of power passed between them making her shiver.

" It is done"

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