Chapter 4

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Cathy fingered the card with the credits the Carpathian loaded for her as she walked a few steps behind her parents. They found her down the street looking over her shoulder and pressed her for answers. But she kept her lips sealed about the meeting. Instead, she opted for a half truth. That an odd man had followed her, stalked her, and she had just lost him in the crowd. Of course her parents got on to her about the known dangers of a single woman in a city and why in the world did she leave the house so fast. If they would've been there, her awful encounter would have never have happened.

Cathy sighed and slipped the card into her back pocket. It doesn't matter now. With the money that Carpathian gave her, she and her cat could now afford to move out on her own and not worry about them breathing down her neck. Her family believed that the daughters needed to marry before moving out from the umbrella of protection of the father. A dated notion but one that still persisted in 'holy' or 'blessed' families of the priesthood.

The thrum of the dorgi drums filled the dry air with wild energy. The deep bass pounded through her body the closer they got to the town square. Darkness had already fallen and the stars were already twinkling in the velvet sky. Strobe lights and other visual effects flashed around them. Incense of redwood and cinnamon filled the air with smoky sweetness. Her dad was already shaking people's hands, trying to make connections with others while her mom smiled and occasionally gave those talking with dad a quick blessing. Just looking at them interact like this always gave Cathy a sour taste in her mouth. You couldn't even tell the whole family was damned to burn.

"Hey, Mama, I'm gonna look around," Cathy said scanning the crowd searching for Eli's familiar blonde hair.

Her mom turned, confused. " Why, honey? Don't you want-"

Cathy shook her head, " I'm just really bored."

Her mom raised an eyebrow and said, " Then you can stay with us. Don't want you getting lost."

Cathy bit down on her retort.

A figure approached them. Cathy pasted on her own mask with a smile and buried her frustration. A government official in his white finery stopped to bow to her parents.

Dad held out his hand. "Special Agent Throne, how are you?"

Agent Throne grasped her dad's forearm. "Very well, Shepherd." He gave her mom a courtesy nod before his dark eyes found Cathy. Her face warmed and her mask cracked as he stared too long at her ears. Cathy cleared her throat and thrust her hand out.


He grabbed her forearm and squeezed. "A pleasure."

"You probably don't remember but he was one of the men that tested you when you were little," her mom remarked with a fond smile.

"Oh." Cathy studied the man and released his arm.

Agent Throne cleared his throat. "I still have high hopes for you, Cathy. Perhaps, your talent will show and you can join Elijah and his squad this year."

Cathy's smile became strained. "I've tried Mr. Throne. Despite my appearance, I don't think I have a lick of talent for majick."

Her dad wrapped an arm around her and squeezed making her cringe inwardly. "We all still believe there is hope for her yet," he said.

Cathy eased herself out of his embrace and looked away.

Agent Throne took a step back, cleared his throat and bowed once more. " I must return." He turned his attention back to Cathy. " I hope to see you again." His passing scrutiny raised goosebumps on her skin. She rubbed her arms as he turned and disappeared into the crowd. Damn battle mages. Always gave her the creeps.

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