•Chapter nine~Choice•

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I'm gonna change point of view in this chapter. It's gonna start with Castiel, then it'll switch to Dean.

Hello, I just wanted to take some time to type a thank you message to the few readers that are reading. It means a lot, as I put in effort to these chapters. I encourage that you let me know that you like my writing by leaving a comment or a vote. Either would be fine, just to let me know you're alive and can read English. I'd love to know.

Thanks again, and enjoy : )


They hadn't told me news about Dean for days. I ached to see him again. My vessel's heart had been hurting, that wasn't a good sign. I constantly wondered if he was okay. Every part of me wanted to escape from the situation and just call it all a nightmare. But I knew that it wasn't possible, I was an angel.

  I would have given anything to see the smile Dean's face. He smiled so rarely. Sam taught me that good things came in small amounts. Dean's smile was one of those things. It was so attractive. Damn, I couldn't stop looking.

Naomi had told me that she was going to lock me away in a cell next to Metatron. I was described as a disgrace to my kind, and that father would be furious with me. Which I understood.

What they didn't understand was human emotions. I was feeling love. Love felt like you were blindfolded and drowning, but it could also feel so great.


Looking down got tiring after a while. I was chained to a wall, in a small room. My arms and legs were bolted to the ground. No amount of tugging made them come loose. They had stripped me of all my clothes, except my underwear. The skin of my bruised legs grazed the cold concrete floor.

I missed sitting in the smooth leather seats of my baby. They were so comforting. Part of me wondered if I'd ever see them again. I worried about Sam, wherever the hell he was. And most of all, I worried about my Castiel. It still bothered me that last time we texted, he never returned the "I love you too".

I had sex with him the day after, but I was still crushed.

I was surprised Sam and Cas hadn't teamed up and busted me out.

I had lost count of how many days passed, I figured it was almost 4. The angels hadn't told me a thing, apart from making me decide between Sam and Cas.

For a few hours a day, an angel would come in and try to squeeze something from me. But I wouldn't tell. I was tired of all the damn angels.

Anger flowed within me, as a female figure walked into the room.
She looked like an angel. The long, tangled blonde hair stunk of heaven. She wore a navy business suit, like a woman in an important office would wear. Her grin was wide, and her gray eyes were narrower than average.

'Here we go again, Dean. Stay strong.' I thought to myself.

The angel grabbed a blade on the tool tray. It gleamed silver. There were endless words I could say to this angel. It was so infuriating that there was close to nothing I could do, to get out of here alone.

The angel began to speak, "Winchester. So what will it be? Have you made you choice?"

They had threatened to kill Sam. My precious brother. The one that I had protected since the night that changed my life forever. They had threatened to kill him, if I continued to love my Castiel.

"Oh, I made my choice." I tempted her.

"Have you? Can you present me with it?" she pressed on. Hoped for an answer.

I didn't have an answer. How could I? I loved them both.

My Sammy

My Castiel

"Bitch, I wont tell you. You'd have to kill me." I shouted loudly, hoping she would.

Her hand held the blade loosely, her fingers twisted it. She got closer to me, enough to stab me. She gripped it tight, and thrusted it into my left shoulder.

Thick blood began to spill from my shoulder. I winced in pain. The left side of my body went numb, as I wished to die faster. I felt my heart beat a million beats a minute.

'Castiel.. Come find me..'

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