sorry mistress

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Nina's pov

       I have to say my new pet is every thing that i want. And he is already felling the bond. I must say his thoughts are so detailed on the things he wants to do. But what got was the fact that he called me his. I even told my sister's about it. Not that i am complaining. To top thing off he is my mate but that bitch that was talking to him will not do i have to find a way to dispose of her but befor i do that i should have so fun with her i mean she does let her emotions get
the best of her.

     This test is so boring considering that everything he was teaching i already knew because I lived through
It (he is a history teacher in case I forgot to mention it). Because I already knew everything that was on the test like the back of my hand I finished it in less than 5 minutes. I did not want to draw attention to myself so I just sat there staring at the test paper wondering what I should do. Then again why am I thinking about what want to do when I have a pretty little pet sitting at a desk right in front of me. Let's have some fun. I am not like most vampires I had a gift more like I have lots of gifts I'm the very first vampire to ever been born so I can do many different things and putting thoughts in someone's head is one of them. As i was looking at my pet i thought of all the things i could do to him all the things i could make him see and feel but i feel like i am going to easy on him. And now knowing that he has a thing for pain i can intensify the things that I do.

    I slip into his mind to see what he is thinking about. I was quite surprised to see what he was thinking about. I  thought he would be thinkimg about the test. I was so wrong he was thinking about all the things he wants me to do to him.  He imagining being tide down with a ball gag in his mouth and a blindfold i was sranding over him hitting himm with a cain. That surprised me I didn't think you'd be into that type of pain. This is going to be more fun then i thought. He really is perfect i need a pet that can take pain all and enjoy not just tolerate it. For once i feel like i want someone by my side or in his case at my feet.
     I was brought out of thoughts when the slut of the school called for my little pets attention. Her voice seemed to startled him. I saw a light blush form on his cheeks when he looked at me and saw I was staring at him. Such a cute pet. I winked at him and gave him a knowing look because his thoughts were getting more intense by the minute. He called the slut up to his desk to see what she needed. His voice was cold and it could almost cut right through you. Well looks like my pet has a back bone. That is a nice thing to find in a pet especially if they will be leading beside you. That is right he does not know i am the queen and he will be the king of all supernatural creatures. There never used to be leader. Centuries ago supernatural creatures could run wild and do as they please but because of their recklessness and lack of self-control the humans were  coming to the suspicion that they were more than just them in this world I could not let that happen so I stepped up there were many wars that I had to go through but I when't through them all earned the respect that I have and i am leading the supernatural beings with pride and they all seem you enjoyed it and respect it.
      I have brung piece among our species. In the beginning they did not like me they thought that I would take away all there freedom i only gave them laws to follow and now because of those laws they do live freely and then live without fear.
       Now it is time for them to get there king. Roman Alexander you are now their King or you will be soon

Roman POV

    I could not stop thinking of all the things she could do to me. Me being tied down for her to do what she wanted was all i could think about. Pain more pain was all that i wanted no i need the pain of the cain or that bite of a flogger. My pants were so tight it was almost painfull but i loved it. No one has ever had this effect on me. I have been a player all my life but here i and thinking about beeing with this girl for the rest of my life. I just me her yesterday and i feel a bound between us as if she was my owner and i was a loyal dog. I would love to be her dog. No i need to stop thinking like this in school.
     As i was scolding my self i someone call my name startling me. When I lift my head up I see that it was Samantha or known as the school's slut. She never knows when to give it up. I turned my head to see Nina my beautiful Nina. Looking into her eyes I remember everything that I was just thinking about her doing .  Feeling my cheeks heat up I see her wink at me give me a knowing look. My cheeks heat up even more. Then I remember that Samantha was trying to talk to me for something that she probably doesn't need just so that she can get closer to me what a whore.
" come here Samantha" i made my sound cold as usual. When she had come up to my desk she had her skirt pulled up higher in her shirt pulled lower sharing with little cleavage she had it was quite sad she had to of been a B if that ( not hating on people with tiny boobs because honey i am the president of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.) She was nothing compared to my beautiful Nina.
" I was wondering if you could tutor me I'm failing your class" she said as she was playing with her how what she thought was seductive ( idk if that is a real word) this made me cringe
" you know i do not do tutoring or extra credit if you want to pass my class then you will have to work harder and pay attention to what I'm saying and not your phone." i wish this girl would just stop and leave me alone. Im not interested at all. Samantha was very aggravated when she was heading back to her desk but I really don't care even if I did think she was pretty I still wouldn't sleep with her who knows what she's got cooking between her legs. When I looked up to the rest of the class I saw that everyone had finished a test . so I told them to bring it up to me. Once everyone had turned it in I put in another video about the Egyptians the things that they had to do to build the pyramids. When i check to make sure everyone was taking notes I made eye contact with Nina. She was staring right at me I felt so self-conscious yet I didn't I felt as if she could see every part of me I'm so confused with my feelings. Still making eye contact with her I walk to my desk but before I made it to my seat I felt your eyes raking over my body it made me shiver and my pants tighten. I sat down quickly so that no one could see she was smirking at me as if she knew what she was doing to my body. Wile the video was playing I told the kids that they could move to the front of the classroom and sit on the floor to see and hear what's going on in the video better everyone moved Except Nina she stayed in her same place making eye contact with me. I felt as if I couldn't look away that I had to keep looking at her beautiful blue eyes. I saw somthing flicker in her eyes and she started tuching and needing on her boobs and bitting her lip i felt my whole body stiffen. I could not stop looking at this sexy site in front of me. suddenly I felt everything stop even the video I look to the side and saw all the kids frozen not moving not breathing not blinking absolutely nothing. I was shocked to feel a hand touch my shoulder I felt Sparks go through my entire body. I looked up to see Nina and her hands sliding down my chest so slowly it was torture when her hands finaly got to my pants i was panting and struggling to keep my eyes from crossing. She started to grope me though my pants and twist my nipple. I was a moaning mess i gave up on trying to control my eyes and just let them roll back in my head. I dont now how she can make me feel like this by just touching me. I was so caught up in my thoughts and the pleasure that I did not realize she had moved to the front and was on her knees. I looked down to see that she was polling me out of my pants my breathing became vary forced as I was trying my hardest not to move. She slowly put me in her mouth and i almost came at the felling if her moist tongue on my tip. She pushed me down farther in to her mouth and had me begging for her to let me cum. Her tongue was working magic. But i lost all control when she licked me from base to tip. I felt my hole body stiffen and started to quiver
"Nina please let me cum please !" i almost shouted.
"What did you call me kitten" she said in a lustful but forceful voice.
"Mistress im sorry please" i was begging i did not want to cum without permission but I didn't know how much more I can handle and her calling me kitten only made it worse
"Thats better" she was smirking an evil smirk
"Fuuuck...uhhh... Shit" i moaned so loud the walls could have shook.
"I dont believe i said you could cum" mistress looked angry but that's not what upset me she look disappointed
"I-i-im sorry mistress" i said looking down at my hands my body was still shaking and twitching
"Do you know what happens to pets that disobey" she had an evil glint in her eyes
"N-n-no." i was so nervous I didn't know what to do.
"They get punished" the thought of being punished made my dick harden and a little moan slip though my lips.
"You will come to my house after school till then you are not aloud to cum ir touch your self. Am i clear pet"
Staring at my shoes because I'm too much of a coward to look in her eyes
"Yes mistress i understand" i felt so ashamed of myself that I disappointed her. Why couldn't I have just done as I was told? why couldn't I control myself ? I deserve the punishment I'm getting in fact I almost feel excited for it I feel bad for disappointing her but I feel excited to know that I will be punished. To feel the pain that i need to feel and know that it will not be in my head. I feel excited to look in the mirror and see the marks on my skin. Just the thought of that alone has me ready to cum. Movement in the corner of my eye called me from my thoughts when I as I looked over I saw it was Nina and she was snapping her fingers. As she did this the Bell rung and kids started leaving my class. Before she turned to leave with the rest of the kids she winked at me and I heard in my mind
' be a good boy the rest of the day and you might get a treat after your punishment' my breath hitched how did she say that in my mind. She walked out of my classroom and didn't look back. Today is going to be a very long day. I cant wait for my punishment.
I had a Sly grin on my face for the rest of the day..

Sorry about Nina's point of view I had a lot of trouble trying to get down what I truly wanted out of her I just couldn't think of things that would be really good so she's not as good as I hoped she'd be also this is not edited repeat not edited so very sorry for the errors and please comments on what I should do and not do.

2,266 words

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