Homecoming King: Alex Galchenyuk

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ElliceMacGillivary requested an imagine, and I decided to use this one to divide the two Connor McDavid imagines (jeez, that was wonderful English....NOT!).  Anyways, here we go!


(Alex's P.O.V.)

Tonight was the big game where we would go big or go home.  The Stanley Cup Playoffs for my team was on the line tonight.  If we won, we would be guaranteed the first wild card spot.  If we lost in overtime, we would be hanging on for our lives in hopes that Toronto would lose.  If we lost.....

I didn't want to think about what would happen then.  The worst thing was, Ellice was in a similar situation to me because her team was playing in the Rocky Mountain Hockey Tournament in the championship match up.  Even worse was that her game would be happening tomorrow.  

I grab my cell phone and dial her number, but it goes to voicemail, "Hello, this is Ellice.  I apologize for not answering, but I am busying playing hockey (as usual).  Please leave a message at the tone."

"Hey, Ellice.  You know who I am, but I wanted to let you know that you are going to kick arse and take names tomorrow.  I'll score for you, but will you be watching me tonight?  I'll try my best to catch your game tomorrow.  I love you."

This is going to be one long game.  


(Ellice's P.O.V.)

"Flight 6136 from Colorado Springs is now arriving in Montreal just a little bit earlier than expected.  The weather in Montreal is a little bit warmer than usual with a balmy 25 degrees Fahrenheit out and sunshine.  Thank you for flying with us and welcome to Canada," the flight attendant told the crowd as we pulled into the gate of Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, and I couldn't wait to spring out.  

I couldn't wait to see the look on Alex's face when he sees me in the Bell Center before the big game.  Tonight is the night that all of his hard work pays off and they hopefully make it into the Stanley Cup Playoffs.  He had no idea that I already won the championship game....by posting a shutout nothing less.  I'm just that phenomenal, at least as a goalie.  My teammates and I went our separate ways to start our preparation for next month's tournament and to take some much needed time off.  

Once the aisle clears, I bolt off the plane and rush to the tram which would take me to the terminal.  I quickly hop on the train that was going to depart, because I couldn't wait another moment.  This is the biggest moment in his career, and I wouldn't miss if for the world.  

The train finally arrives at the terminal, and I rush to the baggage claim to grab my suitcase.  It was the very last bag to come out, and that did not help me settle my nerves to make it on time anymore.  I need to make it to the Bell Center before the anthem comes on, and that is my goal.  Unfortunately, it is a thirteen mile drive to make it to the outskirts of Montreal, and five more to even be close to the Bell Center.  

One hour until the anthem, eighteen miles in rush hour, one suitcase, I got this!

I run out to the taxi loop, and get in line so I can be picked up faster.  I fidget with my dirty blonde hair, and realize I might not make it to the Bell Center in time for tonight's match up.  Their whole future was at stake here, and Alex needs me more than ever.  Finally, it is my turn to enter a taxi and start the trek downtown.  

I was trying to fight off the tears forming in my ocean blue eyes as the distance seems to get longer and longer as time shortens.  This could not happen to me, and I need to see him and make sure he knows that I got his back no matter what.  With ten minutes left to go until the anthem, the taxi finally pulls up to the Bell Center, and I quickly throw some amount of money at the driver and rush off to get into the stadium before the anthem.  

The usher looks through my luggage (how embarrassing was that), and she smiles and allows me to go through the Bell Center and I dash down to my seat, just in time for the announcer to start off, "Fans, please rise and look at the video screen to recognize the glory Les Canadiennes de Montreal brought us last night.  They shut out their opponents all throughout the Rocky Mountain Hockey Tournament.  This tournament lasted for two weeks as they fought through preliminaries and rose to the top.  Led by goaltender Ellice MacGillivary, these woman are on their way to stardom.  We hope the Canadiens can follow in their footsteps and win the Stanley Cup!"

A white light came on me as I stood, and Alex looks at the light to see me shining.  I see a small smile run across his face.  

As O Canada came on, he looks at me quickly and mouths out, "How did you...."

I reply back, "Surprise?"

The anthem came to an end as the game was about to begin.  Alex settled for the faceoff against the Tampa Bay Lightning, and wins the faceoff and immediately takes it down to their offensive zone.  Alex passes the puck to Brendan, and after Brendan receives the pass, immediately fires it back to Alex, who scores!  1-0 in the first thirty three seconds, and I knew it was going to be a phenomenal game.  As they skate back towards the bench, Alex looks at me and mouths out, "That was for Ellice."

They end up winning the game with a final score of 5-2, and Alex almost got a hat trick.  He scored two goals and assisted two other goals.  Hyped to go see him, I follow a security guard down to where the rest of the family members were hanging out.  Alex, being Alex, is the last person to leave the locker room.  His ice blue eyes pierce my ocean blue ones, and I run to him.  

"Ellice, I though you weren't coming back until tomorrow at the earliest," Alex asks me.  

"Surprise and hello to you as well, Alex," I retort.  

He kisses me, "You made me feel like a king today, and everyday."

"Well, then this homecoming was a success then."

"I'd knew I would be the homecoming king with the most beautiful queen in the world," he grabs my hand and starts to lead me out to his car.  

I drag my suitcase along as we finally arrive at his car, "I'm glad to be back home with you Alex."

Alex lifts up the trunk and puts my suitcase in there, "I'm glad you saw this amazing game."

I smile as he starts the car, "Wouldn't miss it for the world."


NHL One Shots/Imagines- Requests OPENWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt