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I was tagged by AngelLovesLawliet to tell you all 7 things about myself. Of course at first I refused, which is why I am now currently in a cell, bound but not gagged and being forced to honor the tag request, by my oh so loving family and friends.

*a computerized voice speaks*
"we can hear you, ya know."

"Just answer truthfully and all this will be over"

"Never" I said while pouting. And then an uncomputerized voice that I knew all too well decided to speak. "It's just seven little facts, you can do it. And if you're not feeling up to it. I'll be more than happy to tell them every little detail about you"

"Beyond, you wouldn't dare"

"Want to experiment with me?"

*licking her lips nervously the feline like female sighs and answers*

Fact number seven: my real voice is high-pitched and I sound younger then I actually am.

Fact number six: despite my highly perverted nature, I am actually an introvert.

Fact number five: My family thinks I'm a prude. As I'm not openly perverted from what they know.

Fact number four: I tend to write to relieve stress and to make all the ideas in my head go away. Along with the voices.

Fact number three: I love redheads, mainly because that is actually a genetic mistake in the human DNA and they are considered freaks.

Fact number two: I have a very strong dislike of close-minded people

Fact number one: I only tease the people that I like or love the most

"There I'm done, now get me out of here"

"No this is pay back for threatening me" Angel said as she turned on a TV

*For the next 24 hour we will be steaming live music video of Justin Bieber*

*Zia's eyes widen as she screamed bloody murder*

"Thanks for the help B"

"It's no problem, besides the sounds of her screams turn me on" he said with a smirk. After that everyone rather quickly.

Now to tag seven people as this is how the thing goes correct?

7. Rose-Kitty
6. rubyred123456789
5. _LilyChan_
4. PervertedMuffin
3. Birdy-sensei
2. TheWolfHatter
1. ChicoNoSakura

None of you have to do this, but have fun

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