Just for Show

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CHAPTER II Just for Show

I stood there in the middle of my room, locking lips with my brother.

Wait. WHAT?

Oh my God. This is wrong, really, really wrong. What’s going on? This is totally insane. Well, maybe I am insane, but that’s a different story.

I got home last night drunk. I woke up this morning to another one of my sibling’s pranks. I had my daily row with Catherine. And later, I’m going to my figure skating practice, and then after that I’m going to another party… And the whole cycle repeats itself. Truth be told, those are the only things that make up my life. Except for the occasional business parties that my father gets invited to, which I rarely attend.

I must be dreaming, or better yet: dead. I must be! There is no way I’ll kiss my brother, whichever way you’ll try to say it, I won’t. This is not happening.

But it is real, I’m not dreaming and I could feel Ash’s warm lips against mine.

Both his hands were holding my face and kissing me gently. MY hands though, found their way on his chest and pounded him… HARD.

And that made him stumble a few steps back.

“What’s that for?” he asked, a bit angry if I might add.

“What’s that for?!” I repeated, catching my breath, my eyebrows almost falling off my face for being raised too high.

“Ash! You just don’t go around and…” I couldn’t continue. It was just impossible.

“Go around and what?” he asked.

“As if you don’t know! Explain to me what you just did!” I almost screamed.

“You mean, ‘What we just did’ ?” he smirked. I stood there with my mouth wide open, disbelief clouded my entire face.

“UGH!” I stomped my way into the bathroom.

“Hey, hey. Let me explain.” Ashton said, grabbing my arm, holding me back.

“I told you to explain, like 2 minutes ago! Well guess what? Time’s up!” I said angrily as I pulled my arm away.

“Just wait, Jeannelle!” he begged.

“Get out of my room, Ash! I hate you!” I screamed at him before closing my bathroom door.

As soon as the door was closed, I immediately brushed my teeth.

“Well, since you’re trapped in there, I’m going to explain…Is that okay?” he asked. I just kept quiet, afraid that I might scream again, besides, I wanted to know WHY? I heard him lean on the side of the threshold.

“I take your silence as a yes...I’m not your twin brother. I never was. It was all just for show.” He murmured.

I stopped brushing my teeth, took a big gulp from my glass and spat on the sink. I went to sit near the threshold. I didn’t understand a word he said.

“Don’t joke with me Ash, it’s not funny anymore.” I said my voice faltering at the end.

I heard him sigh. “I’m telling the truth. I’m not your brother, Jeannelle. Your only brother is Chase. Not Bryce, not me.” Ashton explained.

“Bryce? Chase? I don’t understand…Who are you then? If you’re not my brother, who are you?” I asked, close to tears now. I don’t even know why… There were a lot of questions in my head right now. I wanted to scream; my fingernails digging into the inside of my palms.

“Are you crying?” he asked concern in his voice, I could tell that he already stood up. I stood up too.

“No.” I answered immediately, trying to catch the tears before they even fell.

“You’re crying… I shouldn’t have-… I’m sorry… I’ll just… I’ll just go.” He whispered into the air.

“Wait! Ash!” I said; as I yanked open the door. There he was, standing before me, shoulders hunched, head bowed. Sisterly instincts got the best of me, so I ran and hugged him. A silent “Oof!” escaped from his mouth at the force of my hug.

“I’m not going to lose you too.” I whispered to him.

“Me either.” He replied as he hugged me back.

I stepped away and looked at his face, “You have got to tell me everything.” I said. 


So there, that's the second chapter. :) Thank you for reading, please vote and/or comment if you liked it. Constructive Criticism is most definitely welcome. Oh, and sorry if this chapter is kind of short. A bit busy with a lot of stuff at the moment. :)

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