Luxurious Life and Figure Skating

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The sound of forks and knives against the fine china filled the closed room. Cianah, the maid from earlier, brought up my breakfast and didn't forget to bring some for Ashton too. Seriously, these maids have to get a grip on themselves. It’s a wonder why they’re not making out with Ashton at this very moment. But hey, I don’t blame them. Ashton’s one fine young man.  I mean, you could tell he works out, broad shoulders, those sturdy biceps and I actually saw this one, his six pack abs. No, they’re not like the ones that stick out like boulders, they’re just lean. Like a chocolate bar.

Oh shit. What am I saying? He’s my brother. Deep breaths Dawn, Ashton is your brother that will never change. As soon as Cianah went out of the room and Ash locked the door, I got to work.

I stabbed my Eggs Benedict hungrily, looked at it with utter passion and sighed, "Oh my God, I just want you inside me." and then I shoved it into my mouth. I proceeded to cut another portion of it when I heard Ashton laughing.

"What?" I asked, barely opening my mouth for fear that the precious food would fall out.

"It's just... I thought you were talking to Me." he explained, and then he burst out laughing again.

I drank some fresh orange juice to wash down the food. “Huh? I don’t get it. What are you talking about?” I asked again.

Surprisingly, he stopped laughing, but he still had a funny expression on his face.

“I thought you were imagining some horny things about me.” he snickered. My fork landed on the plate with a loud clutter. Jesus… How did he know? Heat ran up to my cheeks, but before I could stop it I finally understood. It was not about what I was thinking; it’s about what I just said.

“Hey, it’s not my fault these Eggs Benedict are good. I mean, the chefs at the kitchen are for five-star restaurants.” I exclaimed. Even with the words out of my mouth, he knew I didn’t mean what I just said.

“Okay, I didn’t eat lunch and dinner yesterday. I’m super duper hungry.” so, that’s the truth… Well, a part of it, at least.

“Then you should take mine too.” he said, offering me his plate with a very kind and sincere smile.

“No, you eat it. I’m on a very strict diet. I skate, remember?” I said, eating my food daintily. And by that, I mean no more racy thoughts and double-meaning comments.

“I’m not hungry anyway, just take it if you’re still hungry,” he said, downing his orange juice in just a few seconds. I nodded.

“Okay, so you talk, while I eat. Explain everything.” I said before shoving another portion of the delicious food.

“Okay.” he agreed, everything was quiet, well except for my munching and the scraping of my fork on the plate. I looked at Ashton; he was clearly going through everything he was going to tell me in his mind.

“So… Are you going to talk?” I asked, looking at him straight in the eye.

“I… I think now’s not the time.” he whispered, head bowed.

“Oh, don’t fuck with me, Ash! All my life, I’ve been raised not to question anything. And through the years, I’ve collected an awful lot of questions here inside my head, and it’s bugging me to death!” I held my head in my hands, scrunching my hair a bit, my pulse increasing in rate.

“I feel left out and like a total idiot!” I said, as I took his hands in mine.

 “I deserve answers, Ash.” Unnerving silence passed through us as we looked into each other's eyes.

"No." Ash said curtly as he stood up and walked away. I stared in complete disbelief at his retreating body.

“And here I thought that you’ll never leave me.” I murmured. And again that empty feeling of loneliness engulfed my being. Ashton was at the door now, before pulling it open, he turned to look at me and said something barely audible for me to hear… “Sorry.” That’s what I think he said, but I couldn’t take it, the sense of betrayal, that moment of being given false hope washed over me…I stood up and ran over to my bathroom, slammed the door closed and cried my heartaches away.

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