Hellish Dreams

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Sarina's Dream after the crash, when she had blacked out:

"Touch her again and I will hurt you," Sari yelled at the demon as her little body shook with anger. The demon was going to die. Nobody hurt her mother. At least no one other than her daddy. And if he knew that one of his minions was in here doing this he would skin him alive. Literally.  

After all he was Lucifer. No one crossed Satan.  

"And exactly how are you going to do this you little maggot?" the demon laughed turning towards her. Good, she thought as he stepped away from her mother.  

Sparring a glance at her Sari noticed the blood mixed with the fresh bruises. Other than the chains holding her mother to the wall she was no worse than before. At least Sari hoped, her mother was always covered in bruises, sadly it was getting hard to tell the new ones from the old. Heart heavy she knew she only had to keep him occupied until her daddy came. Then he would die, horribly. 

"You have no power little girl, I heard daddy bound them the moment you were born... So you are helpless. So helpless in fact I think I want a taste..." he said while turning back to her mother. 

Completely terrified, Sari yelled, "Lucifer will kill you... Do you really want that?" 

"No he wouldn't." he laughed darkly, "He doesn't give two shits about her. His wife or not he wouldn't punish me for doing this. 

Growling she tried to think of anything to stop him. She would call the others but they were busy fighting the angel's who was closing the gates outside. The whole reason why this scum had been left to protect them. Yeah... 

"Daddy!" she used the link to him. 

"Not now Sari!" her father hissed in her mind. 

Usually she wouldn't push it but as she watched the demon snap her unconscious mothers head back she was desperate. "Fairis is hurting Mo... Anaoel!" she screamed mentally, almost forgetting his order not to call her mom. She was his and only his. Daddy's little girl. 

"Has he touched you?" her father's voice boomed throughout the room.  

At that the demon jerked up, narrowing his eyes at her. Gulping, she looked down at her five year old body wishing the evil creature had. Nothing would have stopped Satan then. But the demon had been to smart to do that.  

"No, but he's going to rape her!" she rushed out. Almost smiling thinking of the beating this stupid being would receive.  

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, when she was sure he was coming they heard his reply, "Let him. Maybe she finally find pleasure in someone else's touch. That bitch deserves it..." 

No...... her heart dropped at the demon's smirk.  

"Did you think he would save her?" the demon laughed joyful, "He hates her." 

"No he doesn't..." she denied while searching her mind frantically, "Why do you think no one besides him is allowed in here with us?"  

"Because he worries that the angel's would find you..." he scoffed shaking his head, his form shuddering.  

Think of something quick! She scolded herself knowing he was about to turn full demon. If only I had my powers! She growled for what felt like the hundredth time that day. If she had her powers, which surpassed even her fathers she would kill them all. But no sadly the demon was right. The moment she was born her father had indeed bound them. To protect her from the evil angels who would find her and kill her.  

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