Inner Wolf

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Two nights later...

Sarina felt the nights chill as the trees passed by in her in a blur. Tonight was dark, so dark that if she wasn't in her wolf form then it would be near impossible for her to make out anything. 

Wait wolf? Sarina felt confusion, but another part of her could care less. She was finally free. And as she picked up her pace, jumping over logs and dodging trees she let her mind slip away. Freedom finally. 

It felt so good to run, to finally sink her paws into the softened ground from last nights rain. She felt her wolf smile, as she sighed. She had never felt such peace. Spotting a rabbit in the distance she felt her wolf's excitement darting off after it. 

Without a care in the world she chased the little bugger until he outsmarted her darting down in a small hole under a tree. Still her wolf didn't seem to want to give up, clawing at the hole sending dirt flying in all directions. 

He will be mine... 

She was so intent she missed the warning bells going off in her brain telling her that she was no longer alone. Damn is this the same whole Alice fell into? Her wolf growling, as the whole grew slightly bigger. 

"Ughm..." a sound made her freeze. A chill went down her spine as her wolf let out a warning growl before she jerked back to face her intruder.  

Her wolf didn't like to be sneaked up on. It went against all her predatory instincts. 

"Calm down Sari.." the male's voice tried to soothe her.  

Looking towards him she could only see his shadow at first as he was almost hidden by the trees. Something about that made her wolf agitated and slightly apprehensive at the same time.  

As he stepped forward, Sarina felt her body jerk into action, bearing down on her forelegs, growling menacingly while her tail went straight up in warning. She focused on the male, but as he continued his approach, his shadows seemed to blur, fading in and out making even her wolf vision which was far superior than any humans go haywire. 

"It's been a long time my sweet niece.." wait. Sarina, aka the wolf cocked her head to the side, the wolf relaxing somewhat at his voice. She knew that voice. At least the wolf did. 

Sarina, herself finally shook herself enough to realize something about this was off.  

Separating herself somewhat, not much because she felt stuck inside the wolf. What is going on? She wondered as she tried to shake herself free, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't. She could feel the wolf inside of her. And she in her.  

Was she dreaming?  

The wolf never took her eyes off the man in front of them but Sarina pushed from the inside trying to make the wolf move. Nothing. 

She could hear the wolf's thoughts. She felt her confusion and... hope. That's weird. Some part of Sarina felt the emotions as if they were her own, but at the same time she felt like herself with her own thoughts and fears. And that fear was growing.  

Who was in control here? She or the wolf? Because right now Sarina couldn't feel any more helpless... 

Deciding to test it she forced herself to focus on the wolf. Letting every part of the wolf to become her. It wasn't hard as she had thought as she already felt apart of her. Fighting for dominance though seemed hard. Because the wolf, Sari she realized was strong. And she wasn't budging. 

Growling internally Sarina pushed with all her might, feeling the wolf's body, her body shake. Curious she realized she did have some control. Thinking back into their now connected mind she found their link, telling the wolf to back up. 

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