Chapter 1 (Joey's P.O.V)

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Hey Guys Josefstar here, I'mma write the first chapter, this is going to be paranormal-ish, and the song that this is titled from is Ledgendary Lovers by Katy Perry, and yeah imma get too it.


I heard my alarm on my phone go off, I had it set to Ledgendary Lovers by Katy Perry. I immidiatly hit snooze, I am not a morning person at all. I was about to fall back asleep but someone called my name.

"Joey, Joey wake up!" It was my roommate Tyler.

"Ugh why, let me sleep some more, in fact let me die!" I said in response

"Joey, just because Luke broke your heart doesn't mean you have to lay in bed forever, now come on!" He kept shaking me and shaking me, but it was to no avail.

"Fine be that way, I got to get to my Music theory class." Tyler ran off and I just layed there in bed. It's one lousey class what harm could it do. Suddenly my phone rang, Sawyer was calling me.

"Yo Joey, get your ass out of bed!" He said.

"I really don't want to, just let me die already." I said.

"Okay, I guess you don't want to be in the same class as me then" Suddenly I found myself out of bed.

"Be there in 10 soy sauce"

"Ight Joey. Just HURRY!" I hung up.

I hopped out of bed, and put on a grey sweater and black skinny jeans. I brushed my teeth, and straightened my hair into its normal emo style. I tied up my black Convers, grabbed one of Tyler's Granola bars, I didnt have time for breakfast so I grabbed the first thing I saw, and it was gross. Oh well I needed food. I started running out the door and saw Sawyer waiting for me.

"Wow you get ready quickly." said Sawyer.

"Haha,my hair could look better." I said

"It looks fine dude your such a girl haha!" He said

"Stop it!" I whined. "So why are you taking art classes now?" I asked

"My Film class started to get boring, honestly the teacher didn't really connect, so i figured I'd transfer and figure out filming and directing om my own." He said.

"Well that's cool, you should totally sit with me and Brittani!"

(A/N: I know Joey and Brittani Louis Taylor haven't really collaborated, she is the only youtuber I can think of that is an artist so GAWSH!)

"Sounds cool, after class want to go get something to eat, I heard about your break up." He said.

"Yeah that sounds fun, I'll try to get over it." I say looking at the gound. "How's things with Ingrid?" I asked

"Ingrid? Yeah I ended it, I just don't seem to have felt a connection anymore, plus she has been around, I mean Shane, Connor, Ricky, she tried for you, and who knows who else she has slept with." He said. It is true, Ingrid tried to get with me, but I'm gay so it didn't really work out all that well haha. Connor was devistated when she cheated on him. Sawyer and I got to our class room and sat down next to Brittani.

"Hey Joey, who's this?" Said Britanni

"Hey Brit, this is Sawyer, Sawyer Brittani."

"Hey, Joey has told me about you, you're a pretty good artist from what I hear." Said Sawyer.

"Haha, thanks, I enjoy being artistic." Said Brittani "So Sawyer, do you draw, or paint, or whatever?"

"Sometimes, I mainly switched to this class to be with Joey, my film classes started to suck." Sawyer said

"Yeah I hear the teacher is not all that great." Replied Brittani."You'll enjoy it here, the teacher is very passionate about art." Brittani was such a cheerful person, and she genuinly enjoyed art, as did I.

*After class*

"Hey Sawyer, Joey, Tyler, Shane, and the other Britney usually go get coffee after class, wanna come?" Asked Brittani.

"Nah, Im going to meet up with Luke, see ya Joey!" Sawyer said as he walked off.

"Dude he so Likes you" Said Brittani.

"WHA! he's straight, and even if he did, why me?" I said sheepishly.  

"It's so obvious, he purpousley quit his film classes just to be with you, Joey stop acting like it's obvious.

"Well.....maybe, I mean, I kind of like him." I said.

"Come on let's go meet the others." Brittani said as we walked to starbucks."

*after coffee*

I walked out and saw something, a bit disturbing. Sawer with Luke, kissing.


Note We have nothing againts Ingrid she was just the first female youtuber I thought of.

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