Chapter 2

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dierectioner_lyyfee im writin now ill pst on mine soon i promise

Joeys POV

I walk out and see Luke and Sawyer locking lips. Wtf?
"S....S..Sawyer?" I whimper.

"Oh Jo..." he begins.

"Save it Sawyer couldn't you just kill me that would hurt less than what I just saw...."

"Joey no let me explain..." he starts to or tries to talk.

"NO! Sawyer just never talk to me again OK?"

Sawyers POV

I hate Luke I went to talk to him about why he dumped such a great guy like Joey. As we were talking Joey came out of the coffee shop. Luke and I just happened to go to the same one as them out of all 8 on campus. "Luke why did you kiss me...?" I ask

"Because I had seen Joey walk out and I knew he liked you so I wanted to make him jealous." he said with a smirk.

"Well now leave OK and I'm done with you Luke you made me hurt Joey.." I reply. I run to my dorm I share with Connor and cry. I decide to text joey.. "Hey can I come over we need to talk..." I type.

"Yes.." he replies.

Well what happens next is up to josefstar.........

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