Chapter 1 - First Encounter

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"Daddy Daddy" Alana, Niall's four year old daughter said as she tugged at her Daddies sleeve trying to get his attention. They sat at a table in the little cafe that Niall had been working at for the past year or so. 

"Yes sweat heart?" Niall replied as he looked at his daughter before taking a sip of his tea.

"Who's that boy?"

Niall glanced out the window at a guy, who couldn't be anymore then three or so years older then himself, standing on the other side of a road with a cigarette between his lips watching as the traffic passed by. "I don't know hunny." He said as he smiled at Louis, one of the boys he worked with, who also happened to be his best mate. He handed Louis the money he owed before getting up and holding Alana's coat open for her.

"But Daddy it's not even cold out." She complained, but let Niall slip the coat onto her anyways. She was right it was seventy some degrees outside. "Yes but you just got over a cold and I'm not taking any chances with you missy. Plus its not even a heavy jacket " He smiled before glancing at Louis "I'll see you tomorrow right Lou?" He asked pushing open the door.

"Yeah I'm working the night shift again." He called out before Niall left the cafe. He held Alana's hand before he looked both ways and quickly moved across the street to where the man that Alana had pointed out earlier was standing.

Niall tried to keep his head down and just passed the guy but suddenly he stopped him "Excuse me but you wouldn't have a few dollars to spare would you?" Zayn asked looking at Niall. The man was fidgety and right away Niall could tell what this guy had been doing.

Alana's mum had had a addiction problem and refused to quite, so Niall packed up his and Alana's things when she was still just a little baby and had moved in with Louis. Now he had finally gotten them a small two room apartment, it wasn't the nicest but it wasn't the worst either and it was home to them. 

Niall was about to walk away, not wanting to give this man money to fuel his addiction but suddenly Alana reached up and patted Niall's pocket "Yes Mister, Daddy keeps them right here." She she said before she smiled up at Niall happy that she had done a good thing.

Niall hesitantly took a five dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to the older male before picking Alana up "Come on princess time to get you home and into bed." He said starting to walk past the older male.

"Hey thanks!" Zayn called, but Niall didn't turn back around or even acknowledge that the male had thanked him. He just walked a little further, unlocked their door and went inside with Alana locking the door behind them.

(Something you'll learn is I love pictures! Little girl on the side is how I picture Alana!)

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