Chapter 3 - The Date

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A/N: Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated because schools been taking up all of my time but I'll try and update more frequently.

Niall bit his lip as he looked at himself in the mirror fixing his hair up into a cute little quiff. He had just sent Alana across the hall to Liam so that he could finish getting ready for his date with Zayn. Liam had said that she could spend the night in case Niall decided to bring Zayn home or Zayn wanted to bring him back to his place, which Liam didn't approve of seeing as Niall barely knew the guy. Niall had laughed.... it's not like he was planing on sleeping with the guy, but it had been a while and if it happened then it happened. 

Niall looked up as he heard a knock on the door and he quickly called out "Be there in a minute!" He called before looking at the mirror. He decided he looked fine and walked to the door to see a smiling Zayn. He smiled back before stepping out of the apartment and locked the door. "So where are we going?" Niall asked as they walked down the side walk... Zayn leading the way. 

"Well I was thinking we could grab some dinner, my treat of course, and then maybe we could go to the park and take a swim or something," He smiled looking at Niall "Sound nice?" He asked before Niall nodded. They walked into the town bar grabbing a booth. Niall cleaned off the seat before sitting making Zayn look up "Sorry not a lot of places to eat around here and I figured you wouldn't want to eat at the cafe you work at." He said.

Niall looked up "Oh know it's fine." He smiled looking at the older male "This place has the best burger and fries around." He smiled not even having to look at the menu.... he used to come here all the time with his friends in high school since you were aloud in at any age but couldn't drink until you were eighteen.

Niall smiled as the waitress came over for their order. "Two burgers with fries and two pints." Zayn smiled. Niall went to protest about the beer but Zayn shook his head looking at him "You got a kid.... whens the last time you had a pint mate?" He asked with a smile.

Niall blushed before nodding "Yeah I guess you're right." He smiled at the older male "And one won't get me drunk.... I used to be able to down them like they were water." He smiled.

Zayn smiled "Now that's my kind of guy." He smiled holding the younger males hand. Niall blushed looking away. "So tell me bout yourself Ni" He said smiling.

Niall looked at him biting his lip "Well what do you wanna know?" He asked

"Everything." Zayn smiled "Every little detail." 

Niall blushed again before starting "Well I'm Irish." He smiled "As if you couldn't tell." He giggled "I was with a girl for three years before we had Alana.... she had..... different opinions on what was appropriate around our daughter so I had to leave her. I got full custody of Alana and moved in with my friend and just recently got our own apartment." He said.

Zayn frowned looking at the younger male "I'm so sorry." He said as the girl came back, putting the food and pints on the table. "Need anything else just call me over sweets." She said in what sounded like a fake Southern accent before leaving.

They ate their food talking between bites and sips of beer. once they were done Zayn through a twenty on the table before taking Niall's hand walking him out. They walked to the park and sat down in the grass looking at the stars in the sky... the first ones were just starting to show up.

"They're so beautiful." Niall whispered looking up at the sky with a smile. 

Zayn smiled at him "Not as beautiful as you." He smiled. Niall blushed as he continued to look at the stars not wanting Zayn to see the blush. Niall was pulled away as he heard whistles from in front of them and there were three guys in front of them wearing leather jackets. They didn't look half as good in them as Zayn did.

The leader of the group whistled "Look at the hot blond." He smirked moving closer to Niall. 

Zayn scooted over closer to Niall before wrapping an arm around the younger boys waist letting out a low growl. The guys soon left and Niall looked at the older male blue eyes twinkling slightly.

"I'm yours?" He whispered lowly with their faces only inches apart. 

"Yes" Zayn said leaning in and kissed the younger boy lightly on the lips "You're all mine."

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