Wait are you playing match maker?

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Chad hears something buzz, "Stace did you hear that?" He checks his phone, "It wasn't me."

"Must be mine. Should be in my bag still." She gets up, hisses in pain from her back and walks over to her bag trying and get it open but fails. "D*mn it..."

"I'll get it." Chad grabs her bag and hands it to her.

"Can you open it please? Stupid hand..."

He gets the phone out the bag and hands it to her*

"Thanks Chad." She sees its a text from Ty. "Its Ty. She's on her way here. She needs to talk to me... ohhhh I hope she doesn't want to kill me for Seth being there..."

"I don't think she will be mad... Will she?"

"I hope not... if Seth doesn't like her like she likes him then yeah I'm gonna die..."

"When I mentioned Ty to Seth he may have blus-" He stops himself. "Wait are you play match maker?"

"Me? Nooooo... Maybe. I know how she feels about him and I've seen how he looks at her. They would make the perfect couple."

"Yeah I can see that happening... I can also see you and me as a couple too..."

"You... you do? Really?" She tries and hide her smile.

"Come on don't hide that beautiful smile Stacey... I'm serious though."

Chad sees her smile. "I'd love for us to be a couple Chad."

His eyes widen. "You're serious right now?"

"Um... Yeah?" Her smile vanishes. She whispers, "please be serious Chad."

"Why did you question it?"

"Because I... no one likes me like that... then you look suprised..." She speaks fast, "And then I was scared that you weren't serious and I'd just confessed that I love you-"

"You love me?"

"Yeah..." She looks at her injured wrist.

Chad lifts her head up then kiss her lips. "I love you too Stacey."

She kisses back. "Pinch me...."

"This isn't a dream baby girl."

He sits next to her and she holds his hand with her uninjured one and kisses his hand then she rests her head on his shoulder. "This went from a really bad day to a great day. I'm so lucky to have you babe."

"I'm lucky to have you too baby." He kisses her head then Stacey hears a knock on the door.

"That's probably Ty babe."

"Okay, I'll get it." Stacey sits up then he goes to open the door.  Once he opens the door they both see Ty with red eyes, messed up make up and is looking angry as f*ck.

"Ty? What happened?" Stacey asked concerned about her best friend.

Ty's face suddenly drops. "I need help Stace..."

Stace ignores the pain and walks over to her. "Tell me what happened Ty."

"Well first I saw your surprise... Thanks for that Stace." Ty smiles some. "Before my match I saw Seth, I was panicking I didn't know what to do... But he started talking to me and he said that he cared about me and he liked me..."

"Aww that's great... wait... are you afraid that it won't work out for you?"

"Some what yes... He said that the only reason he hasn't told me he liked me before was cause he was still broken from the last girl... And he didn't want it to happen again."

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