It wasn't sex-

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Hope you enjoy this au 1!1! ok so lemme explain, I may have changed George a teeny tiny bit. he basically describes me and I'm- but yeah. This is my first good fanfiction that I feel proud of so yeah fite me.

I was on my way to school, when I heard a familiar voice. I already knew who it is because of their voice. I turn around, rather quickly. That's when I saw Samuel. I haven't seen Samuel since the last day of 11th grade, andI was stuck with my step dad all summer. Which was basically hell on earth, but I couldn't stop thinking about him. He is too perfect for my existence.
"Georgie!" Samuel says, with a big smile. I kinda smile back.
"Hey there Sammy," his smile grows. "Hey Georgie," he says. I find him so attractive. But sadly I don't think he could ever be mine.
"How was your summer?" I asked. His smile grew bigger.
"It was great," he says. "How was yours?" He asked me. I wanted to tell him that it was literally me thinking about him, but decided not too.
"I uh, spent the whole summer in my room-" I said. I mean, it was true.
"Oh fun," he says. "Yeah it was pretty lit-" "I shiP IT" I hear Alexander Hamilhoe call. "Stop shipping us that's weird," I say, "never stop shipping us," I muttered. I saw Sam blush slightly. He is so cute when he blushes and I swear. "I.. uh, what class do you have first?" he says, his voice slightly shaky.
"English," I say. "Wow, same!" he exclaims happily, lips curling up into a smile.
"Shall we go to English?" He bows,
"Yes, your majesty." A blush forms on my cheeks. We start to walk inside, and he heads for his locker as I head for mine. I put everything I don't need away, and began walking towards Sam's direction. I freeze as I see Hamilhoe talking to him. Dammit. I swear I will end Hamilhoe's life. Hamilhoe looks over at me and smirks, continuing to talk to Sam. I fill with anger and a mix of jealousy. Dammit Hamilhoe! You know he's mine!
"Hey nerd-" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around, piecing together that the voice was Hercules Mulligan's.
"What do you want," I grumble.
"Woah feisty-" I clench my fist.
"Shut up" I say between gritted teeth. "Excuse me?"
"I said, shut up." I say, a little louder. "No need to get mad," I hear a French accent say.
"I have every right to be mad right now." I say. "What are those reasons?" Lafayeet asks. "Well, 1st off Hamilhoe is talking to my Sammy, 2nd off, Hercules. 3rd off, my existence." I say. "Your  Sammy?" Lafayeet asked. A blush spread across my face.
"I- no I- I didn't mean it like that," I say quickly. A smirk spread acrossed Lafayeets and Hercules face as they look at each other then back at me.
"It'd be ashamed if this were to get out, wouldn't it Hercules?" Lafayeet said, looking at Hercules.
"Yes, what a shame that'd be."
"You better not-" I looked at the clock quickly, it saying 6:40 AM, an hour until class starts.
"Oh, we won't. But on one condition," Hercules says.
"The condition being?" I question. "You've gots to allow us to ship you and Seabury." Hercules says.
"Ok," I say agreeing with them. It's now 6:50 AM. I head to English, to be greeted by Sam. I instantly smile. "Hiya Georgie!" He says, smiling and waving. I smile more. He's so cute. Kiss him bro I hear my brain say to me. I smile more. "I will.." I mumble quietly. Sam looked at me in confusion and I felt my face go red. Sometimes I talk to myself- well my brain. Its completely normal I swear it is-
"I... Uh, Georgie? Can I tell you something?" He asks.
"Of course Sammy."
"I... uh, well you see.. I'm... uh, kinda.." he starts, and then, out of nowhere, he kisses me. I feel a blush spread across my face as I kiss back. We continue to kiss, and I totally forget we're in an English classroom. I run a hand through his hair as our lips continued to smack together. After a while of kissing I move down to his neck, kissing it softly, he lets out a quiet moan as I smirk, continuing to kiss his neck. I kiss his neck some more, making him moan more. I slowly move down to his shoulder, kissing it slightly harder but still softly. He lets out a giggle and a moan, probably his shoulder being his ticklish spot or sensitive spot. I tug at his shirt a little and he takes it off. I low-key continue to kiss his shoulder, making him moan and giggle more. I start to kiss his abs as he tugs at my shirt too. I take my shirt off. The position we ended up in was literally Sammy on top of me, leaning in on me, and me leaning back. We continue to kiss still shirtless. "George stop sucking Samuels face," I hear Mr. Lee say. A blush spreads across Sammys face and I turn red. But we continue to kiss anyways,
"Is every one gonna ignore the two gay brits having sex," I hear Eliza say.
"Yeah stop sucking Samuel's face George," I hear Hamilhoe say. I turn more red and so does Sammy, but we continue to kiss.
"Get a room-" I hear A-a-ron say. We were forced apart by the need of breath. I turn a dark shade of red, and so does Sammy. I totally forgot that we were in an English classroom- I throw my shirt back on and so does Sammy. Hercules leans over to me and says,
"I ship it bro," I turn redder, Sam still sitting on my lap. What if I married him? My dad or step dad wouldn't approve but they can both fite me, but what if we got married? And adopted children? And had a family together? And ruled All of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland together? Would I take his last name or would he take mine? I mean, Samuel Fredrick doesn't sound that appealing but George Seabury does.
"Georgie?" I snap out of my thoughts as I hear the innocent and pure Samuel Seabury call my name. I instantly smile, looking deep into his eyes, we held eye contact for a long time, like 2 minutes? It felt like hours.
"Stop eye fucking each other-" I hear Hamilhoe say again. My face turns a dark shade of crimson and so does his. The bell rings, and Sammy quickly sits in his seat next to me. Mr.Lee walks in, "Ah, I see you two stopped sucking each other's faces." He says, smirking a little bit. The class filled with laughter as I sunk into my seat, turning bright red.
Time skip brought to you by the difference of Kings college and Princeton college.
The bell rang and class was dismissed. "I... Uh, hey Georgie. What class do you have next?" Sammy asked, still red from earlier.
"I.. Uh, have history with Mr.Washingmachine." I stutter, but manage to smile. He smiled back. "Me too," he kisses me quickly on the cheek, and heads to his locker, leaving me a blushing mess as I walk to my locker to grab my history book. Motherfucking Hamilhoe. Anger and Jealously runs through my body, seeing him talking to Sam again. Hamilhoe was getting quite annoying. "Still mad that he's talking to your Sammy?" I hear a French accent call from behind me. I clench my fists, turning around,  glaring at him. I see John standing next to him, and my expression softens, and I smile a little. No, I don't have a crush on him. But he's always been some sort of kind to me. I turn back to Lafayeet, still mad.
"I-I said, I-I di-didn't m-mean I-I-it l-like that," I say quickly, turning redder. I turn around, seeing that Hamilhoe was gone. I low-key rush to Sam's locker. I slowed my pace as I approached him. He turns in my direction, smiling. I smile brightly at him. We start to walk to history. I start to hope he didn't notice my arm- he probably did but doesn't care enough about you to mention anything. I really hate my brain at times.


Samuel's POV


I glance at George. After knowing him for seventeen years and us telling each other things about ourselves, I still couldn't read him. He has such a stoned face that doesn't show emotion. Neither do his eyes. But as soon as he see's me, a bright smile would spread across his face, and his eyes would brighten up. I love seeing him so happy. He told me that he had a terrible past not wanting to talk about it much. I never questioned it. He always flinches when people touch him, so I could kinda guess what happened. Whenever I touch him, though, he doesn't flinch anymore. I feel a blush crawl onto my face as I think about earlier in English. Gods, he was so hot without a shirt on. There was something on his arms that I couldn't quite make out, were they faded lines? From what? I continuing questioning myself as we approach history class. We're what, 5 minutes early? The world may never know.
Word Count: 1,685
aH OK I KNOW THAT WAS CRAPpY AND I KINDA THREW THAT INTENSE FLUFF AT YOU BUT YOU CAN FITE ME. So, was that even good? The world may never know. It's gonna get heated soon I swear- And yeah you're welcome for that intense fluff fite me.
extra A/N hi it's me again I fixed this one up oop

All Mine~ (Samuel Seabury x King George iii)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora