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TRIGGER WARNING: depressioN and suicide

After History,, it was lunch. "Munch MUnch iT's time for Lunch" I hear someone say. Yikes. I don't feel like eating,, I feel like dying. You know? So idek I decided to stay in the boys bathroom because where else would I go? Samuel was ahead of me already,, so he wouldn't notice. So I do. I walk into the boy's bathroom. I walk into a stall,, locking it behind me,, and I sit on the toilet,, bring my knees to my chest,, and I start to rock back and forth because what has become of m y l i f e? Yikes. I really am gay for Samuel though?? Like??? Frightening. 'hA you should kill yourself' "stfu bra i n no one is talking to you." 'do it tho' 'whY' my heart and brain constantly fight. It's tiring. 'c'mon,, just take a knife,, and stab into your vein. No one will notice bud.' 'stfu do you constantly forget about Samuel?' 'stfu sammy sam doesn't care' 'Oh my godS' 'hA its true. Just kys no one will care.' he just so happened to have a knife on him,, in case anyone got too close to Sammy sam. He pulled it out,, and yikes.


hA Samuel's pOv


George had been quiet this whole time? I looked to my left to notice he wasn't there. "Frightening. Maybe he went to the boy's restroom?" I turned around,, and started walking to the boy's bathroom. I got to the door,, and noticed some red splotches coming from it. "That's frightening." I say,, hoping it was just red punch or a red drink. I oPen the bathroom door,, and yikes.

A/N: oH MY GODS SORRY. SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPDATES. how do you like that cliffhanger? Fun amirite? I'll be updating more frequently. Sorry again for the slow updates.

All Mine~ (Samuel Seabury x King George iii)Where stories live. Discover now