The Call

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Recap: 'Ring,ring, ring'

Present time:

Me Dad answers the phone. "Hello?" "Hello. This is Sharon Browne the director of Celtic Thunder. If I could may you allow me to speak with Lilè?" "yes that would be fine." Dad said. "Hello?" "Hello Lilè! I would like to inform you that you go the part of the drummer!" She says. 

"Really! Oh wow!" I said almost jumping out of the car. "Yes if it is fine with you you would be staying with one of the boys of your choice. Because I will bloe expecting that your dad will need to go home." she says. After that my dad says "okay when do we need to be there?" "Well if you can tomorrow. And then spread a day with the lads to choose who you are going to stay with." " Oh okay we will be there tomorrow!" I said. "Great! I will tell the lads that. Bye"  " Bye" Me dad and I say at the same time.


Me dad just woke me up at 7:00. I got dressed and then waited for my dad to get dressed. We walked out of the hotel and got in the car. 


We walked into the same big building and there was someone waiting for us. " Hello! My name is Ryan Kelly. And this little lass must be Lilè?" The nice man said to me dad and I. "Yes it is. Should I leave her here with you or...?" Me dad said. "You can leave her here with me self." Ryan said. "Okay. I love you little Lilè." " I love you to daddy!" I ran to dad and gave him hug.

 "So can I call you little Lass?" Ryan said once my dad was out of sight. "Sure! My names.. well you know my name but my age is 8!" I say with a lot of enthusiasm. " Well... My age is 28. Were practically twins!" he said mocking me enthusiasm. "TWINS! Can I call you R or Ry-Ry or Kelly?" I said as we were walking to the elevator. "Sure kid. I think were going to be great friends." Kelly says while roughfuling me hair. 

" So what are we doing right now?" I say as we get out of the elevator and start walking towards a door. Kelly opens it up for me and I go under his arm. " Well we are going to hang out you and the lads." He says pointing to a group of all sorts of different people. " Lads meet Little Lass. The new drummer of Celtic Thunder" Kelly says pointing to me. I just look down and smile. " Hi!" I said a little too loud because there faces were kinda scared. " I mean hi. sorry for being loud." "no problem love. I am George. Thats Keith, Damian, Paul, Neil, and you know Ryan." George said. 'George looks really friendly' I accidentally said out loud. The guys laugh at me while almost falling on the ground. I think I said something really weird? 

Is it weird that I think Damian is cute? I know I am 

I'm  was wonder what was happening  right now but it's weird how I am acting

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