90's Babies

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Jimi and Karen have been dating for a few weeks, they have told Kimberly and Philip and their families already and they were thrilled. It is fall of 1998 and the band was getting together to write some songs. They just wrote for hours and talked about stories and just enjoyed each others company.

Four Months Later
Philip and Rebecca had invited everyone over to their house for a BBQ. Soon after their guests arrived, Philip and Rebecca stood up and got everyone's attention. "We would like to thank all of you for coming, we know that we've only been together for a little shy of a year, but we wanted you guys to be the first to know that WERE PREGNANT!" Karen, Jimi, and Kimberly had a surprised looks on their faces but those looks then turned to happy faces.
           The band is traveling all the time now, begging for gigs. Karen and Jimi have been together for about a year now and are the happiest couple ever. Karen was sitting in the bathroom on the floor just staring at the wall. She was processing what she had just found out. She was pregnant. Her mind was racing with thoughts, "The band is just taking off, how am I going to raise a kid?", "What if Jimi doesn't want a kid". She then stared at the three positive pregnancy tests.
        Karen had finally got the strength to get up and go downstairs, she was in the kitchen drinking a glass of water when she felt Jimi's hands wrap around her waist. Butterflies ran all through her and she just ran to the bathroom and threw up. "Babe, are you okay?" asked Jimi "Yeah I'm fine, just a bug that's all" Karen then got up and cleaned herself up and told Jimi she was going to the store to get some medicine, Jimi offered to go for her but she refused. Karen pulled out of the drive way and called Kimberly and asked to come over.
      Karen walked into Kimberly's house and sat down on the island stool in the kitchen. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" asked Kim "I'm pregnant" said Karen. Kim just had a shocked look on her face. "Are you serious Kare?" asked Kim. Karen just looked down and let out a sigh.
Kimberly: "Karen, I have to tell you something"
Karen: "What"
Kimberly: "I'm pregnant too"
Karen's eyes widened as she looked up at Kim
Karen: "At least you have been with Stephen for years, and you're married. Jimi and I have only been together for a year."
Kimberly: "Karen I know you, you've always wanted kids, maybe it happened a little too soon, but this is God's plan for you, for us, we get to experience this together! Jimi is an amazing person, I'm sure he'll step up and be the man you always knew he could be."
Karen took what Kimberly had said and really processed it, it made her feel a little bit better that it may had been Gods plans for her.
         As Karen walked through the door, her eyes were set on Jimi as he was cooking dinner,  she walked up from behind him and turned him around and just hugged him tightly. "What's that for?" asked Jimi. "Just because I love you" said Karen. "I need to tell you something." Jimi looked down at her with concern. "I'm pregnant, and if you aren't ready to be a father and you want to leave then I'll understand"-she was interrupted by Jimi's tongue in her mouth, they continued to passionately kiss, as Karen pulled away and looked up at Jimi, "Are you happy?" asked Karen"Karen I've never been happier, I would never even think about leaving you, or our child. I love you and I know we've only been together for about a year but I feel like I've been with you for 10" Karen just hugged Jimi. They spent the rest of the night just loving on each other. Jimi sat on the couch and Karen sat on his lap, Jimi put his hand on her stomach, Karen just smiled. "Oh I forgot to tell you, Kimberly is pregnant too, isn't so crazy?" said Karen. "It's looks like we're starting off the band with a few babies" said Jimi.

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