Niffler goes hunting

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Newt pushed his way through the crowds and walked through New York, and made his way towards the bank.
From the outside the bank looks small. But from the inside, it's majestic.
Newt walked in and looked around in search of a place to sit.
After a few moments, he saw a forlorn looking man, sat alone on a bench, waiting for whatever he was here for.
He walked towards the bench and sat down at the end of the it.
"Hello" said Newt, trying to be friendly.
"Hi" said Jacob, turning we around to face Newt.
"My name's Newt....Newt Scamander."
"My name's Jacob. I'm here for a loan to open up my very own shop."
Newt nods "What kind of shop?"
"A shop to preach aggression towards the wizarding world."
Newt, rather abruptly, stands up.
"Well, I hope....I hope that that goes well for you....Jacob."
Newt walks off, feeling a burning sensation in the pit of his stomach. He noted it as anger towards Jacob.
Under his breath, Newt mutters , "stupid man. There's nothing that he can do to drag the wizarding world down."
He didn't stop walking until he looked down at his case. He found a little gap between the clasps.
"Oh no" he gasped. "Niffler."
Newt started looking around the outside of the bank, hopeful that his Niffler wasn't wreaking havoc in the big city he saw before him.
Meanwhile, inside the bank, Niffler was on a mad hunt for everything shiny. He was filling his pouch with shiny coins. It was almost full, but he kept piling in more and more, until they started falling out. As the coins fell from the Niffler's pouch, they left a trail. Newt noticed this as he rushed back into the bank, and he followed, trying to find his Niffler before it was too late.
Little did Newt know, but a strange woman was watching his every move, intent on finding out what was going on.
"Hmmmm" she said, trying to look suspicious. "I wonder what he's up to."
Newt spent 15 minutes looking for his Niffler. When he finally found him, he was on a trolley filled with coins.
Newt grabbed his Niffler. "Got you."
The Niffler tried to loosen Newts grip on its squirming body. It failed. Newt took himself to a quiet place where nobody was sat and apparated. And again, the strange woman was watching him.

She saw everything......

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