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The streets of New York were filled with oblivious minds. Ones that had no clue of what was happening right around the corner.
"Mr Scamander....please, this way." Said Tina, slowly becoming impatient with Newt's dawdling.
"Okay....okay." Newt grumbled.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, they arrived after Tina's house.
Suddenly, Tina stopped, blocking Newt's path.
"Before we go inside I have to warn you that I'm not strictly following the rules by bringing you in here..."
"Well then ," Newt interrupted, "we'll find some other place to sleep."
"No, no, no, its okay. Come on, just stay quiet."
They make it up to where Tina lives. They hear a quiet voice from the other room.
"Yes, it's only me Queenie"
The big brown door opens, revealing a young woman.
She gasps at the sight of Newt.
"Teeny! You shouldn't have brought him here, you know that." She exclaimed.
"He's a section 38. Graves wouldn't listen to me again." She emphasised Grave's name in disgust.
Queenie gasps. "He's a criminal?"
Tina sighs. "Not quite a criminal Queenie."
Newt coughs. "Umm....if this is....."
"NO! Your no problem Mr Scamander, none at all."
Newt gives her a blank look.
"Oh...sorry, I can read minds."
Newt's eyes widen. "Wow."
"Mr Scamander, you're very dreamy, has anyone ever told you that?"

Cliffhanger.... I'm sorry for the tease
Will there be a connection between Queenie and Newt?
Or will Tina stop it before she gets jealous????
Dun! Dun! Duuuuunnnn!

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