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"Goldstein..... Goldstein. Where are you?"
A strange man appears behind Newt. Tina ducks behind her desk.
"Goldstein" he whispers.
Tina appears from below the desk, brushing her hair out of her face.
"Did you interrupt the big meetings again Goldstein?"
He looks at Newt. "Where did she pick you up?"
Newt looks surprised at being asked. "Wh..what. Me?"
"Yes you." He turns to Tina. "You were spying on Mary again.....weren't you?"
", I wasn't sir."
The man turns to see that Mr Graves had appeared.
"Mr Graves, sir." He stands to the side so that he can move forwards.
"Portentina Goldstein.... You interrupted our meeting.... Again."
Tina started to explain but Graves held up his hand to silence her.
"There are no more excuses Goldstein."
He turned to see Newt, watching what was going on.
"And who might this be?"
"My name's Newt, Mr Graves sir....Newt Scamander."
Newt reaches his hand out to shake hands. Graves just glares at him and turned to Tina.
"Why is he here?"
"He used magic in the presence if no majs Mr Graves sir. And he is carrying a collection of beasts inside if his case...sir."
"Well...this I have to see."
He holds out his hand and Tina grabs Newt's case and puts it in Grave's hand.
Graves puts it on Tina's desk, and opens it.
Everyone gasps. Inside the case....was buns and cakes.
Newt looked over Tina's shoulder and looked at Graves with a weak, forced smile.
Graves glared at Tina.
"You are on VERY thin ice Goldstein.....VERY thin ice."
Graves turns around and walks out of the room.
Tina looks shocked.
"Mr Scamander..... Follow me."
Tina leads Newt out of the building.

Newt Scamander - My Life In New York City Where stories live. Discover now