Meeting Tina

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Newt found himself stood in a dark alleyway.
Coming from behind him came a 'swoosh'. He turned, and saw a strange woman glaring at him.
"Who are you!?" She asked.
"Umm..I'm Newt Scamander." Newt replied. "Who are you?"
The strange woman reached into her pocket and removed a little wallet. She opened it to reveal a picture of her and her name.
"My name's Tina." She said. "And I am sorry to say that you have to come with me."
"Whatever for!?" Asked Newt, confused.
"I am taking you in on accord of using magic in the presence of no majs, or in your case..... Muggles." She replied, looking shocked, as if she expected him to know what she was talking about.
Tina took Newt by the shoulder.
"Come with me."

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