Alesia's Wings

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That was all I heard when I woke up, a long continues beeping that never stopped as seemed to match my heart rate. My eyes felt as heavy as lead and I could barley move. I was aware of talking in the background, I tried to respond but I couldn't get my mouth to move, or to make a single noise. I couldn't move and that frightened me. My limbs felt as heavy as my eyes lids and wouldn't cooperate the way I wanted them to.

"Can't we just pull the plug, I mean she is already half dead," The voice was a deep one, one I couldn't remember form my past.

"If we pull the plug, the every nurse of doctor that is assigned to her will run there fastest, if we are to take her, were going to have to be smart about this." The other voice was less deep and sounded smarted then the other.

"Shit, Can't we just take her and run, I mean the family gave up on her a month ago," The deep voice said.

It felt like my heart stopped when I heard that my Family had given up on me, I wanted to know how long I was like this, and Why I was like this.

"We can't. We have to think of something quick or she will not last any longer." The other voice said, "Cut the power, after that we only have 10 seconds to disconnect her and out the window before the generator kicks in."

The other guy said nothing and soon all I heard were footsteps. "Don't worry Alesia, we haven't left you." The guy whispered. "I wish you were awake, you've been asleep for 9 months now." I felt something warm on my hand.

I was surprised when the beeping stopped, and everything was silent, "We better get her unhooked and in the car." The deep voice was back.

I felt a pair of hands behind my back and some on my legs before it felt like I was flying, that was the last thing I remembered before I was consumed by darkness I was familiar with.


"Where are we taking Alesia?" I looked over at my accomplice who helped me kidnap the girl.

"Antonio wants me to bring her to him," I said looking at the road and occasionally taking a glace at the rear-view mirror to see if we were being followed.

"Aaron, Are you sure you really want to bring her to Antonio, you know what he will do." I gave a hard look while driving but didn't say anything, he didn't know Antonio, his wife or Alesia like I have.

"I'm just telling you, I would have been better if we left her with Tatiana, she will know what to do with her." Josh said.

My hands tightened on the wheel but continued to drive, I was not bringing her to that damn Fairie. I drowned out his words. "I never had disobeyed Antonio and I am not about to start." I said.

"Whatever man, you know how it will end." He said. He leaned his chair back and placed the hat he was wearing over his eyes and preceded to fall asleep.

I knew how it was going to end, and I really hope that it goes well, They haven't seen each other for years, I do not know how this was going to affect their relationship.

"Ass." I called him and kept driving. By the time the sun rose, My eyes felt droopy, I took a quick glance at the back to see how are cargo was doing when I saw her blue eyes staring back at me.

"Holy shit," I pressed on the breaks waking Josh and watching at the girl flew forward, She managed to catch herself before settling back in her seat.

"Dude, why the fuck you do that?" Josh asked rubbing his neck. He saw my look and looked back at the girl.

"Holy Crap, she's awake," He gave a punch on the arm and glared at me, "Dude, you said she wasn't going to awake for another three more days."

Alesia's WingsWhere stories live. Discover now